Interface RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator

All Superinterfaces:
RandomGenerator, RandomGenerator.StreamableGenerator
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:
public static interface RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator extends RandomGenerator.StreamableGenerator
This interface is designed to provide a common protocol for objects that generate sequences of pseudorandom values and can be split into two objects (the original one and a new one) each of which obey that same protocol (and therefore can be recursively split indefinitely).

Ideally, all RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator objects produced by recursive splitting from a single original RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator object are statistically independent of one another and individually uniform. Therefore we would expect the set of values collectively generated by a set of such objects to have the same statistical properties as if the same quantity of values were generated by a single thread using a single RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator object. In practice, one must settle for some approximation to independence and uniformity.

Methods are provided to perform a single splitting operation and also to produce a stream of generators split off from the original (by either iterative or recursive splitting, or a combination).

Objects that implement RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator are typically not cryptographically secure. Consider instead using SecureRandom to get a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator for use by security-sensitive applications.

Nested Class Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
static RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator of(String name)
Returns an instance of RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator that utilizes the name algorithm.
default Stream<RandomGenerator> rngs()
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator interface.
default Stream<RandomGenerator> rngs(long streamSize)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator interface.
RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator split()
Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements the RandomGenerator and RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interfaces.
RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator split(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator source)
Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements the RandomGenerator and RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interfaces.
default Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits()
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.
Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits(long streamSize)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.
Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits(long streamSize, RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator source)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.
Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator source)
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.

Method Details


static RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator of(String name)
Returns an instance of RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator that utilizes the name algorithm.
name - Name of random number generator algorithm
An instance of RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator
NullPointerException - if name is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the named algorithm is not found


RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator split()
Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements the RandomGenerator and RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interfaces.

This pseudorandom number generator may be used as a source of pseudorandom bits used to initialize the state of the new one.

a new object that implements the RandomGenerator and RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interfaces


RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator split(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator source)
Returns a new pseudorandom number generator, split off from this one, that implements the RandomGenerator and RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interfaces.
source - a RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator instance to be used instead of this one as a source of pseudorandom bits used to initialize the state of the new ones.
an object that implements the RandomGenerator and RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interfaces
NullPointerException - if source is null


default Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits()
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.

This pseudorandom number generator may be used as a source of pseudorandom bits used to initialize the state the new ones.

Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation invokes splits(this).
Implementation Note:
It is permitted to implement this method in a manner equivalent to splits (Long.MAX_VALUE).
a stream of RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator objects


Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits(long streamSize)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.

This pseudorandom number generator may be used as a source of pseudorandom bits used to initialize the state the new ones.

streamSize - the number of values to generate
a stream of RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator objects
IllegalArgumentException - if streamSize is less than zero


Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits(RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator source)
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.
Implementation Note:
It is permitted to implement this method in a manner equivalent to splits (Long.MAX_VALUE, source).
source - a RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator instance to be used instead of this one as a source of pseudorandom bits used to initialize the state of the new ones.
a stream of RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator objects
NullPointerException - if source is null


Stream<RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator> splits(long streamSize, RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator source)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator interface.
streamSize - the number of values to generate
source - a RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator instance to be used instead of this one as a source of pseudorandom bits used to initialize the state of the new ones.
a stream of RandomGenerator.SplittableGenerator objects
IllegalArgumentException - if streamSize is less than zero
NullPointerException - if source is null


default Stream<RandomGenerator> rngs()
Returns an effectively unlimited stream of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator interface. Ideally the generators in the stream will appear to be statistically independent.
Specified by:
rngs in interface RandomGenerator.StreamableGenerator
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation calls splits().
a stream of objects that implement the RandomGenerator interface


default Stream<RandomGenerator> rngs(long streamSize)
Returns a stream producing the given streamSize number of new pseudorandom number generators, each of which implements the RandomGenerator interface. Ideally the generators in the stream will appear to be statistically independent.
Specified by:
rngs in interface RandomGenerator.StreamableGenerator
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation calls splits(streamSize).
streamSize - the number of generators to generate
a stream of objects that implement the RandomGenerator interface
IllegalArgumentException - if streamSize is less than zero

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