Interface DirectMethodHandleDesc

All Superinterfaces:
ConstantDesc, MethodHandleDesc
public sealed interface DirectMethodHandleDesc extends MethodHandleDesc
A nominal descriptor for a direct MethodHandle. A DirectMethodHandleDesc corresponds to a Constant_MethodHandle_info entry in the constant pool of a classfile.

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Interface Description
static enum  DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind
Kinds of method handles that can be described with DirectMethodHandleDesc.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean isOwnerInterface()
Indicates if the method is declared by an interface
DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind kind()
Returns the kind of the method handle described by this nominal descriptor.
String lookupDescriptor()
Returns the lookup descriptor of the method handle described by this descriptor, after adjusting for the invocation mode.
String methodName()
Returns the name of the method or field described by this nominal descriptor.
ClassDesc owner()
Returns a ClassDesc describing the class declaring the method or field described by this nominal descriptor.
int refKind()
Returns the refKind of the method handle described by this nominal reference, as defined by MethodHandleInfo.

Methods declared in interface java.lang.constant.ConstantDesc


Methods declared in interface java.lang.constant.MethodHandleDesc

asType, equals, invocationType

Method Details


DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind kind()
Returns the kind of the method handle described by this nominal descriptor.
the DirectMethodHandleDesc.Kind


int refKind()
Returns the refKind of the method handle described by this nominal reference, as defined by MethodHandleInfo.
the reference kind


boolean isOwnerInterface()
Indicates if the method is declared by an interface
true if the method is declared by an interface


ClassDesc owner()
Returns a ClassDesc describing the class declaring the method or field described by this nominal descriptor.
the class declaring the method or field


String methodName()
Returns the name of the method or field described by this nominal descriptor. For constructors, returns the reserved name "<init>".
the name of the method or field


String lookupDescriptor()
Returns the lookup descriptor of the method handle described by this descriptor, after adjusting for the invocation mode. This will correspond to either a method type descriptor string (for methods and constructors), or a field descriptor string (for field access method handles). The lookup descriptor string is in the same format as accepted by MethodHandleDesc.of(Kind, ClassDesc, String, String).
the lookup descriptor string

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