Interface SourcePositions

All Known Subinterfaces:
public interface SourcePositions
Provides methods to obtain the position of a Tree within a CompilationUnit. A position is defined as a simple character offset from the start of a CompilationUnit where the first character is at offset 0.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
long getEndPosition(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree)
Returns the ending position of tree within file.
long getStartPosition(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree)
Returns the starting position of tree within file.

Method Details


long getStartPosition(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree)
Returns the starting position of tree within file. If tree is not found within file, or if the starting position is not available, returns Diagnostic.NOPOS. The returned position must be at the start of the yield of this tree, that is for any sub-tree of this tree, the following must hold:

tree.getStartPosition() <= subtree.getStartPosition() or
tree.getStartPosition() == NOPOS or
subtree.getStartPosition() == NOPOS

file - CompilationUnit in which to find tree
tree - tree for which a position is sought
the start position of tree


long getEndPosition(CompilationUnitTree file, Tree tree)
Returns the ending position of tree within file. If tree is not found within file, or if the ending position is not available, returns Diagnostic.NOPOS. The returned position must be at the end of the yield of this tree, that is for any sub-tree of this tree, the following must hold:

tree.getEndPosition() >= subtree.getEndPosition() or
tree.getEndPosition() == NOPOS or
subtree.getEndPosition() == NOPOS

In addition, the following must hold:

tree.getStartPosition() <= tree.getEndPosition() or
tree.getStartPosition() == NOPOS or
tree.getEndPosition() == NOPOS

file - CompilationUnit in which to find tree
tree - tree for which a position is sought
the end position of tree

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