Class SimpleLinkRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class SimpleLinkRequest extends Object implements LinkRequest
Default simple implementation of LinkRequest.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
SimpleLinkRequest(CallSiteDescriptor callSiteDescriptor, boolean callSiteUnstable, Object... arguments)
Creates a new link request.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Object[] getArguments()
Returns the arguments for the invocation being linked.
CallSiteDescriptor getCallSiteDescriptor()
Returns the call site descriptor for the call site being linked.
Object getReceiver()
Returns the first argument for the invocation being linked; this is typically the receiver object.
boolean isCallSiteUnstable()
Returns true if the call site is considered unstable, that is, it has been relinked more times than was specified in DynamicLinkerFactory.setUnstableRelinkThreshold(int).
LinkRequest replaceArguments(CallSiteDescriptor newCallSiteDescriptor, Object... newArguments)
Returns a request identical to this one with call site descriptor and arguments replaced with the ones specified.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public SimpleLinkRequest(CallSiteDescriptor callSiteDescriptor, boolean callSiteUnstable, Object... arguments)
Creates a new link request.
callSiteDescriptor - the descriptor for the call site being linked. Must not be null.
callSiteUnstable - true if the call site being linked is considered unstable.
arguments - the arguments for the invocation. Must not be null.
NullPointerException - if either callSiteDescriptor or arguments is null.

Method Details


public Object[] getArguments()
Description copied from interface: LinkRequest
Returns the arguments for the invocation being linked. The returned array must be a clone; modifications to it must not affect the arguments in this request.
Specified by:
getArguments in interface LinkRequest
the arguments for the invocation being linked.


public Object getReceiver()
Description copied from interface: LinkRequest
Returns the first argument for the invocation being linked; this is typically the receiver object. This is a shorthand for getArguments()[0] that also avoids the cloning of the arguments array.
Specified by:
getReceiver in interface LinkRequest
the receiver object.


public CallSiteDescriptor getCallSiteDescriptor()
Description copied from interface: LinkRequest
Returns the call site descriptor for the call site being linked.
Specified by:
getCallSiteDescriptor in interface LinkRequest
the call site descriptor for the call site being linked.


public boolean isCallSiteUnstable()
Description copied from interface: LinkRequest
Returns true if the call site is considered unstable, that is, it has been relinked more times than was specified in DynamicLinkerFactory.setUnstableRelinkThreshold(int). Linkers should use this as a hint to prefer producing linkage that is more stable (its guard fails less frequently), even if that assumption causes a less effective version of an operation to be linked. This is just a hint, though, and linkers are allowed to ignore this property.
Specified by:
isCallSiteUnstable in interface LinkRequest
true if the call site is considered unstable.


public LinkRequest replaceArguments(CallSiteDescriptor newCallSiteDescriptor, Object... newArguments)
Description copied from interface: LinkRequest
Returns a request identical to this one with call site descriptor and arguments replaced with the ones specified.
Specified by:
replaceArguments in interface LinkRequest
newCallSiteDescriptor - the new call site descriptor
newArguments - the new arguments
a new request identical to this one, except with the call site descriptor and arguments replaced with the specified ones.

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