Class DocTreePath

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class DocTreePath extends Object implements Iterable<DocTree>
A path of tree nodes, typically used to represent the sequence of ancestor nodes of a tree node up to the top-level DocCommentTree node.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
DocTreePath(DocTreePath p, DocTree t)
Creates a DocTreePath for a child node.
DocTreePath(TreePath treePath, DocCommentTree t)
Creates a DocTreePath for a root node.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
DocCommentTree getDocComment()
Returns the DocCommentTree associated with this path.
DocTree getLeaf()
Returns the leaf node for this path.
DocTreePath getParentPath()
Returns the path for the enclosing node, or null if there is no enclosing node.
static DocTreePath getPath(DocTreePath path, DocTree target)
Returns a documentation tree path for a tree node within a subtree identified by a DocTreePath object, or null if the node is not found.
static DocTreePath getPath(TreePath treePath, DocCommentTree doc, DocTree target)
Returns a documentation tree path for a tree node within a compilation unit, or null if the node is not found.
TreePath getTreePath()
Returns the TreePath associated with this path.
Iterator<DocTree> iterator()
Returns an iterator over elements of type T.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Methods declared in interface java.lang.Iterable

forEach, spliterator

Constructor Details


public DocTreePath(TreePath treePath, DocCommentTree t)
Creates a DocTreePath for a root node.
treePath - the TreePath from which the root node was created
t - the DocCommentTree to create the path for


public DocTreePath(DocTreePath p, DocTree t)
Creates a DocTreePath for a child node.
p - the parent node
t - the child node

Method Details


public static DocTreePath getPath(TreePath treePath, DocCommentTree doc, DocTree target)
Returns a documentation tree path for a tree node within a compilation unit, or null if the node is not found.
treePath - the path for the node with which the doc comment is associated
doc - the doc comment associated with the node
target - a node within the doc comment
a path identifying the target within the tree


public static DocTreePath getPath(DocTreePath path, DocTree target)
Returns a documentation tree path for a tree node within a subtree identified by a DocTreePath object, or null if the node is not found.
path - a path identifying a node within a doc comment tree
target - a node to be located within the given node
a path identifying the target node


public TreePath getTreePath()
Returns the TreePath associated with this path.
the TreePath for this DocTreePath


public DocCommentTree getDocComment()
Returns the DocCommentTree associated with this path.
the DocCommentTree for this DocTreePath


public DocTree getLeaf()
Returns the leaf node for this path.
the DocTree for this DocTreePath


public DocTreePath getParentPath()
Returns the path for the enclosing node, or null if there is no enclosing node.
DocTreePath of parent


public Iterator<DocTree> iterator()
Description copied from interface: Iterable
Returns an iterator over elements of type T.
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<DocTree>
an Iterator.

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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