Class XECPublicKeySpec

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class XECPublicKeySpec extends Object implements KeySpec
A class representing elliptic curve public keys as defined in RFC 7748, including the curve and other algorithm parameters. The public key is a particular point on the curve, which is represented using only its u-coordinate. A u-coordinate is an element of the field of integers modulo some value that is determined by the algorithm parameters. This field element is represented by a BigInteger which may hold any value. That is, the BigInteger is not restricted to the range of canonical field elements.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
XECPublicKeySpec(AlgorithmParameterSpec params, BigInteger u)
Construct a public key spec using the supplied parameters and u coordinate.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
AlgorithmParameterSpec getParams()
Get the algorithm parameters that define the curve and other settings.
BigInteger getU()
Get the u coordinate of the point.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public XECPublicKeySpec(AlgorithmParameterSpec params, BigInteger u)
Construct a public key spec using the supplied parameters and u coordinate.
params - the algorithm parameters
u - the u-coordinate of the point, represented using a BigInteger which may hold any value
NullPointerException - if params or u is null.

Method Details


public AlgorithmParameterSpec getParams()
Get the algorithm parameters that define the curve and other settings.
the parameters


public BigInteger getU()
Get the u coordinate of the point.
the u-coordinate, represented using a BigInteger which may hold any value

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