Class DOMStructure

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class DOMStructure extends Object implements XMLStructure
A DOM-specific XMLStructure. The purpose of this class is to allow a DOM node to be used to represent extensible content (any elements or mixed content) in XML Signature structures.

If a sequence of nodes is needed, the node contained in the DOMStructure is the first node of the sequence and successive nodes can be accessed by invoking Node.getNextSibling().

If the owner document of the DOMStructure is different than the target document of an XMLSignature, the XMLSignature.sign(XMLSignContext) method imports the node into the target document before generating the signature.


Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
DOMStructure(Node node)
Creates a DOMStructure containing the specified node.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Node getNode()
Returns the node contained in this DOMStructure.
boolean isFeatureSupported(String feature)
Indicates whether a specified feature is supported.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public DOMStructure(Node node)
Creates a DOMStructure containing the specified node.
node - the node
NullPointerException - if node is null

Method Details


public Node getNode()
Returns the node contained in this DOMStructure.
the node


public boolean isFeatureSupported(String feature)
Description copied from interface: XMLStructure
Indicates whether a specified feature is supported.
Specified by:
isFeatureSupported in interface XMLStructure
feature - the feature name (as an absolute URI)
true if the specified feature is supported, false otherwise
NullPointerException - if feature is null

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Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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