Interface OpenType

public interface OpenType
The OpenType interface represents OpenType and TrueType fonts. This interface makes it possible to obtain sfnt tables from the font. A particular Font object can implement this interface.

For more information on TrueType and OpenType fonts, see the OpenType specification. ( ).

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int TAG_ACNT
Accent attachment.
static final int TAG_AVAR
Axis variation.
static final int TAG_BASE
Baseline data.
static final int TAG_BDAT
Bitmap data.
static final int TAG_BLOC
Bitmap location.
static final int TAG_BSLN
Baseline table.
static final int TAG_CFF
Compact font format (Type1 font).
static final int TAG_CMAP
Character to glyph mapping.
static final int TAG_CVAR
CVT variation.
static final int TAG_CVT
Control value table.
static final int TAG_DSIG
Digital signature.
static final int TAG_EBDT
Embedded bitmap data.
static final int TAG_EBLC
Embedded bitmap location.
static final int TAG_EBSC
Embedded bitmap scaling.
static final int TAG_FDSC
Font descriptors.
static final int TAG_FEAT
Feature name.
static final int TAG_FMTX
Font metrics.
static final int TAG_FPGM
Font program.
static final int TAG_FVAR
Font variation.
static final int TAG_GASP
Grid-fitting and scan conversion procedure.
static final int TAG_GDEF
Glyph definition.
static final int TAG_GLYF
Glyph data.
static final int TAG_GPOS
Glyph positioning.
static final int TAG_GSUB
Glyph substitution.
static final int TAG_GVAR
Glyph variation.
static final int TAG_HDMX
Horizontal device metrics.
static final int TAG_HEAD
Font header.
static final int TAG_HHEA
Horizontal metrics header.
static final int TAG_HMTX
Horizontal metrics.
static final int TAG_JSTF
static final int TAG_JUST
static final int TAG_KERN
static final int TAG_LCAR
Ligature caret.
static final int TAG_LOCA
Index to location.
static final int TAG_LTSH
Linear threshold.
static final int TAG_MAXP
Maximum profile.
static final int TAG_MMFX
Multiple master font metrics.
static final int TAG_MMSD
Multiple master supplementary data.
static final int TAG_MORT
Glyph metamorphosis.
static final int TAG_NAME
Naming table.
static final int TAG_OPBD
Optical bounds.
static final int TAG_OS2
OS/2 and Windows specific metrics.
static final int TAG_PCLT
PCL 5 data.
static final int TAG_POST
PostScript Information.
static final int TAG_PREP
CVT preprogram.
static final int TAG_PROP
Glyph properties.
static final int TAG_TRAK
static final int TAG_TYP1
Adobe Type 1 font data.
static final int TAG_VDMX
Vertical device metrics.
static final int TAG_VHEA
Vertical metrics header.
static final int TAG_VMTX
Vertical metrics.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
byte[] getFontTable(int sfntTag)
Returns the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag.
byte[] getFontTable(int sfntTag, int offset, int count)
Returns a subset of the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag.
byte[] getFontTable(String strSfntTag)
Returns the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag.
byte[] getFontTable(String strSfntTag, int offset, int count)
Returns a subset of the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag.
int getFontTableSize(int sfntTag)
Returns the size of the table for a specified tag.
int getFontTableSize(String strSfntTag)
Returns the size of the table for a specified tag.
int getVersion()
Returns the version of the OpenType font. 1.0 is represented as 0x00010000.

Field Details


static final int TAG_CMAP
Character to glyph mapping. Table tag "cmap" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_HEAD
Font header. Table tag "head" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_NAME
Naming table. Table tag "name" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_GLYF
Glyph data. Table tag "glyf" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_MAXP
Maximum profile. Table tag "maxp" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_PREP
CVT preprogram. Table tag "prep" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_HMTX
Horizontal metrics. Table tag "hmtx" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_KERN
Kerning. Table tag "kern" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_HDMX
Horizontal device metrics. Table tag "hdmx" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_LOCA
Index to location. Table tag "loca" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_POST
PostScript Information. Table tag "post" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_OS2
OS/2 and Windows specific metrics. Table tag "OS/2" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_CVT
Control value table. Table tag "cvt " in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_GASP
Grid-fitting and scan conversion procedure. Table tag "gasp" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_VDMX
Vertical device metrics. Table tag "VDMX" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_VMTX
Vertical metrics. Table tag "vmtx" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_VHEA
Vertical metrics header. Table tag "vhea" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_HHEA
Horizontal metrics header. Table tag "hhea" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_TYP1
Adobe Type 1 font data. Table tag "typ1" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_BSLN
Baseline table. Table tag "bsln" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_GSUB
Glyph substitution. Table tag "GSUB" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_DSIG
Digital signature. Table tag "DSIG" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_FPGM
Font program. Table tag "fpgm" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_FVAR
Font variation. Table tag "fvar" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_GVAR
Glyph variation. Table tag "gvar" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_CFF
Compact font format (Type1 font). Table tag "CFF " in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_MMSD
Multiple master supplementary data. Table tag "MMSD" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_MMFX
Multiple master font metrics. Table tag "MMFX" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_BASE
Baseline data. Table tag "BASE" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_GDEF
Glyph definition. Table tag "GDEF" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_GPOS
Glyph positioning. Table tag "GPOS" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_JSTF
Justification. Table tag "JSTF" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_EBDT
Embedded bitmap data. Table tag "EBDT" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_EBLC
Embedded bitmap location. Table tag "EBLC" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_EBSC
Embedded bitmap scaling. Table tag "EBSC" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_LTSH
Linear threshold. Table tag "LTSH" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_PCLT
PCL 5 data. Table tag "PCLT" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_ACNT
Accent attachment. Table tag "acnt" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_AVAR
Axis variation. Table tag "avar" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_BDAT
Bitmap data. Table tag "bdat" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_BLOC
Bitmap location. Table tag "bloc" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_CVAR
CVT variation. Table tag "cvar" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_FEAT
Feature name. Table tag "feat" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_FDSC
Font descriptors. Table tag "fdsc" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_FMTX
Font metrics. Table tag "fmtx" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_JUST
Justification. Table tag "just" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_LCAR
Ligature caret. Table tag "lcar" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_MORT
Glyph metamorphosis. Table tag "mort" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_OPBD
Optical bounds. Table tag "opbd" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_PROP
Glyph properties. Table tag "prop" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:


static final int TAG_TRAK
Tracking. Table tag "trak" in the Open Type Specification.
See Also:

Method Details


int getVersion()
Returns the version of the OpenType font. 1.0 is represented as 0x00010000.
the version of the OpenType font.


byte[] getFontTable(int sfntTag)
Returns the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag. Tags for sfnt tables include items like cmap, name and head. The byte array returned is a copy of the font data in memory.
sfntTag - a four-character code as a 32-bit integer
a byte array that is the table that contains the font data corresponding to the specified tag.


byte[] getFontTable(String strSfntTag)
Returns the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag. Tags for sfnt tables include items like cmap, name and head. The byte array returned is a copy of the font data in memory.
strSfntTag - a four-character code as a String
a byte array that is the table that contains the font data corresponding to the specified tag.


byte[] getFontTable(int sfntTag, int offset, int count)
Returns a subset of the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag. Tags for sfnt tables include items like cmap, name and head. The byte array returned is a copy of the font data in memory.
sfntTag - a four-character code as a 32-bit integer
offset - index of first byte to return from table
count - number of bytes to return from table
a subset of the table corresponding to sfntTag and containing the bytes starting at offset byte and including count bytes.


byte[] getFontTable(String strSfntTag, int offset, int count)
Returns a subset of the table as an array of bytes for a specified tag. Tags for sfnt tables include items like cmap, name and head. The byte array returned is a copy of the font data in memory.
strSfntTag - a four-character code as a String
offset - index of first byte to return from table
count - number of bytes to return from table
a subset of the table corresponding to strSfntTag and containing the bytes starting at offset byte and including count bytes.


int getFontTableSize(int sfntTag)
Returns the size of the table for a specified tag. Tags for sfnt tables include items like cmap, name and head.
sfntTag - a four-character code as a 32-bit integer
the size of the table corresponding to the specified tag.


int getFontTableSize(String strSfntTag)
Returns the size of the table for a specified tag. Tags for sfnt tables include items like cmap, name and head.
strSfntTag - a four-character code as a String
the size of the table corresponding to the specified tag.

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