Class Book

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class Book extends Object implements Pageable
The Book class provides a representation of a document in which pages may have different page formats and page painters. This class uses the Pageable interface to interact with a PrinterJob.
See Also:

Field Summary

Fields declared in interface java.awt.print.Pageable


Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Creates a new, empty Book.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void append(Printable painter, PageFormat page)
Appends a single page to the end of this Book.
void append(Printable painter, PageFormat page, int numPages)
Appends numPages pages to the end of this Book.
int getNumberOfPages()
Returns the number of pages in this Book.
PageFormat getPageFormat(int pageIndex)
Returns the PageFormat of the page specified by pageIndex.
Printable getPrintable(int pageIndex)
Returns the Printable instance responsible for rendering the page specified by pageIndex.
void setPage(int pageIndex, Printable painter, PageFormat page)
Sets the PageFormat and the Painter for a specified page number.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public Book()
Creates a new, empty Book.

Method Details


public int getNumberOfPages()
Returns the number of pages in this Book.
Specified by:
getNumberOfPages in interface Pageable
the number of pages this Book contains.


public PageFormat getPageFormat(int pageIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns the PageFormat of the page specified by pageIndex.
Specified by:
getPageFormat in interface Pageable
pageIndex - the zero based index of the page whose PageFormat is being requested
the PageFormat describing the size and orientation of the page.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the Pageable does not contain the requested page


public Printable getPrintable(int pageIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns the Printable instance responsible for rendering the page specified by pageIndex.
Specified by:
getPrintable in interface Pageable
pageIndex - the zero based index of the page whose Printable is being requested
the Printable that renders the page.
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the Pageable does not contain the requested page


public void setPage(int pageIndex, Printable painter, PageFormat page) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Sets the PageFormat and the Painter for a specified page number.
pageIndex - the zero based index of the page whose painter and format is altered
painter - the Printable instance that renders the page
page - the size and orientation of the page
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the specified page is not already in this Book
NullPointerException - if the painter or page argument is null


public void append(Printable painter, PageFormat page)
Appends a single page to the end of this Book.
painter - the Printable instance that renders the page
page - the size and orientation of the page
NullPointerException - If the painter or page argument is null


public void append(Printable painter, PageFormat page, int numPages)
Appends numPages pages to the end of this Book. Each of the pages is associated with page.
painter - the Printable instance that renders the page
page - the size and orientation of the page
numPages - the number of pages to be added to the this Book.
NullPointerException - If the painter or page argument is null

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