Class SimpleRelinkableCallSite

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class SimpleRelinkableCallSite extends AbstractRelinkableCallSite
A relinkable call site that implements monomorphic inline caching strategy, only being linked to a single GuardedInvocation at any given time. If the guard of that single invocation fails, or it has an invalidated switch point, or its invalidating exception triggered, then the call site will throw it away and ask its associated DynamicLinker to relink it.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
SimpleRelinkableCallSite(CallSiteDescriptor descriptor)
Creates a new call site with monomorphic inline caching strategy.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void relink(GuardedInvocation guardedInvocation, MethodHandle relinkAndInvoke)
This method will be called by the dynamic linker every time the call site is relinked (but see RelinkableCallSite.resetAndRelink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle) for an exception).
void resetAndRelink(GuardedInvocation guardedInvocation, MethodHandle relinkAndInvoke)
This method will be called by the dynamic linker every time the call site is relinked and the linker wishes the call site to throw away any prior linkage state (that is how it differs from RelinkableCallSite.relink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle)).

Methods declared in class

getDescriptor, initialize

Methods declared in class java.lang.invoke.MutableCallSite

dynamicInvoker, getTarget, setTarget, syncAll

Methods declared in class java.lang.invoke.CallSite


Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public SimpleRelinkableCallSite(CallSiteDescriptor descriptor)
Creates a new call site with monomorphic inline caching strategy.
descriptor - the descriptor for this call site

Method Details


public void relink(GuardedInvocation guardedInvocation, MethodHandle relinkAndInvoke)
Description copied from interface: RelinkableCallSite
This method will be called by the dynamic linker every time the call site is relinked (but see RelinkableCallSite.resetAndRelink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle) for an exception). It will be passed a GuardedInvocation that the call site should incorporate into its target method handle. When this method is called, the call site is allowed to keep other non-invalidated invocations around for implementation of polymorphic inline caches and compose them with this invocation to form its final target.
guardedInvocation - the guarded invocation that the call site should incorporate into its target method handle.
relinkAndInvoke - a relink-and-invoke method handle. This is a method handle matching the method type of the call site that is supplied by the DynamicLinker as a callback. It should be used by this call site as the ultimate fallback when it can't invoke its target with the passed arguments. The fallback method is such that when it's invoked, it'll try to obtain an adequate target GuardedInvocation for the invocation, and subsequently invoke RelinkableCallSite.relink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle) or RelinkableCallSite.resetAndRelink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle), and finally invoke the target.


public void resetAndRelink(GuardedInvocation guardedInvocation, MethodHandle relinkAndInvoke)
Description copied from interface: RelinkableCallSite
This method will be called by the dynamic linker every time the call site is relinked and the linker wishes the call site to throw away any prior linkage state (that is how it differs from RelinkableCallSite.relink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle)). It will be passed a GuardedInvocation that the call site should use to build its new target method handle. When this method is called, the call site is discouraged from keeping any previous state, and is supposed to only link the current invocation.
guardedInvocation - the guarded invocation that the call site should use to build its target method handle.
relinkAndInvoke - a relink-and-invoke method handle. This is a method handle matching the method type of the call site that is supplied by the DynamicLinker as a callback. It should be used by this call site as the ultimate fallback when it can't invoke its target with the passed arguments. The fallback method is such that when it's invoked, it'll try to obtain an adequate target GuardedInvocation for the invocation, and subsequently invoke RelinkableCallSite.relink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle) or RelinkableCallSite.resetAndRelink(GuardedInvocation, MethodHandle), and finally invoke the target.

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