Interface ShardingKeyBuilder

public interface ShardingKeyBuilder
A builder created from a DataSource or XADataSource object, used to create a ShardingKey with sub-keys of supported data types. Implementations must support JDBCType.VARCHAR and may also support additional data types.

The following example illustrates the use of ShardingKeyBuilder to create a ShardingKey:


     DataSource ds = new MyDataSource();
     ShardingKey shardingKey = ds.createShardingKeyBuilder()
                           .subkey("abc", JDBCType.VARCHAR)
                           .subkey(94002, JDBCType.INTEGER)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
ShardingKey build()
Returns an instance of the object defined by this builder.
ShardingKeyBuilder subkey(Object subkey, SQLType subkeyType)
This method will be called to add a subkey into a Sharding Key object being built.

Method Details


ShardingKeyBuilder subkey(Object subkey, SQLType subkeyType)
This method will be called to add a subkey into a Sharding Key object being built. The order in which subkey method is called is important as it indicates the order of placement of the subkey within the Sharding Key.
subkey - contains the object that needs to be part of shard sub key
subkeyType - sub-key data type of type java.sql.SQLType
this builder object


ShardingKey build() throws SQLException
Returns an instance of the object defined by this builder.
The built object
SQLException - If an error occurs building the object

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