Class NamingExceptionEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class NamingExceptionEvent extends EventObject
This class represents an event fired when the procedures/processes used to collect information for notifying listeners of NamingEvents threw a NamingException. This can happen, for example, if the server which the listener is using aborts subsequent to the addNamingListener() call.
See Also:

Field Summary

Fields declared in class java.util.EventObject


Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
NamingExceptionEvent(EventContext source, NamingException exc)
Constructs an instance of NamingExceptionEvent using the context in which the NamingException was thrown and the exception that was thrown.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void dispatch(NamingListener listener)
Invokes the namingExceptionThrown() method on a listener using this event.
EventContext getEventContext()
Retrieves the EventContext that fired this event.
NamingException getException()
Retrieves the exception that was thrown.

Methods declared in class java.util.EventObject

getSource, toString

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public NamingExceptionEvent(EventContext source, NamingException exc)
Constructs an instance of NamingExceptionEvent using the context in which the NamingException was thrown and the exception that was thrown.
source - The non-null context in which the exception was thrown.
exc - The non-null NamingException that was thrown.

Method Details


public NamingException getException()
Retrieves the exception that was thrown.
The exception that was thrown.


public EventContext getEventContext()
Retrieves the EventContext that fired this event. This returns the same object as EventObject.getSource().
The non-null EventContext that fired this event.


public void dispatch(NamingListener listener)
Invokes the namingExceptionThrown() method on a listener using this event.
listener - The non-null naming listener on which to invoke the method.

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Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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