Class CompiledScript

public abstract class CompiledScript extends Object
Extended by classes that store results of compilations. State might be stored in the form of Java classes, Java class files or scripting language opcodes. The script may be executed repeatedly without reparsing.

Each CompiledScript is associated with a ScriptEngine -- A call to an eval method of the CompiledScript causes the execution of the script by the ScriptEngine. Changes in the state of the ScriptEngine caused by execution of the CompiledScript may visible during subsequent executions of scripts by the engine.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Constructor for subclasses to call.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Object eval()
Executes the program stored in the CompiledScript object.
Object eval(Bindings bindings)
Executes the program stored in the CompiledScript object using the supplied Bindings of attributes as the ENGINE_SCOPE of the associated ScriptEngine during script execution.
abstract Object eval(ScriptContext context)
Executes the program stored in this CompiledScript object.
abstract ScriptEngine getEngine()
Returns the ScriptEngine whose compile method created this CompiledScript.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public CompiledScript()
Constructor for subclasses to call.

Method Details


public abstract Object eval(ScriptContext context) throws ScriptException
Executes the program stored in this CompiledScript object.
context - A ScriptContext that is used in the same way as the ScriptContext passed to the eval methods of ScriptEngine.
The value returned by the script execution, if any. Should return null if no value is returned by the script execution.
ScriptException - if an error occurs.
NullPointerException - if context is null.


public Object eval(Bindings bindings) throws ScriptException
Executes the program stored in the CompiledScript object using the supplied Bindings of attributes as the ENGINE_SCOPE of the associated ScriptEngine during script execution. If bindings is null, then the effect of calling this method is same as that of eval(getEngine().getContext()).

. The GLOBAL_SCOPE Bindings, Reader and Writer associated with the default ScriptContext of the associated ScriptEngine are used.

bindings - The bindings of attributes used for the ENGINE_SCOPE.
The return value from the script execution
ScriptException - if an error occurs.


public Object eval() throws ScriptException
Executes the program stored in the CompiledScript object. The default ScriptContext of the associated ScriptEngine is used. The effect of calling this method is same as that of eval(getEngine().getContext()).
The return value from the script execution
ScriptException - if an error occurs.


public abstract ScriptEngine getEngine()
Returns the ScriptEngine whose compile method created this CompiledScript. The CompiledScript will execute in this engine.
The ScriptEngine that created this CompiledScript

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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