Class Line.Info

Direct Known Subclasses:
DataLine.Info, Port.Info
Enclosing interface:
public static class Line.Info extends Object
A Line.Info object contains information about a line. The only information provided by Line.Info itself is the Java class of the line. A subclass of Line.Info adds other kinds of information about the line. This additional information depends on which Line subinterface is implemented by the kind of line that the Line.Info subclass describes.

A Line.Info can be retrieved using various methods of the Line, Mixer, and AudioSystem interfaces. Other such methods let you pass a Line.Info as an argument, to learn whether lines matching the specified configuration are available and to obtain them.

See Also:

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Info(Class<?> lineClass)
Constructs an info object that describes a line of the specified class.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Class<?> getLineClass()
Obtains the class of the line that this Line.Info object describes.
boolean matches(Line.Info info)
Indicates whether the specified info object matches this one.
String toString()
Returns a string representation of the info object.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public Info(Class<?> lineClass)
Constructs an info object that describes a line of the specified class. This constructor is typically used by an application to describe a desired line.
lineClass - the class of the line that the new Line.Info object describes

Method Details


public Class<?> getLineClass()
Obtains the class of the line that this Line.Info object describes.
the described line's class


public boolean matches(Line.Info info)
Indicates whether the specified info object matches this one. To match, the specified object must be identical to or a special case of this one. The specified info object must be either an instance of the same class as this one, or an instance of a sub-type of this one. In addition, the attributes of the specified object must be compatible with the capabilities of this one. Specifically, the routing configuration for the specified info object must be compatible with that of this one. Subclasses may add other criteria to determine whether the two objects match.
info - the info object which is being compared to this one
true if the specified object matches this one, false otherwise


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the info object.
toString in class Object
a string representation of the info object

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