Interface DTD

All Superinterfaces:
XMLEvent, XMLStreamConstants
public interface DTD extends XMLEvent
This is the top level interface for events dealing with DTDs

Field Summary

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getDocumentTypeDeclaration()
Returns the entire Document Type Declaration as a string, including the internal DTD subset.
List<EntityDeclaration> getEntities()
Return a List containing the general entities, both external and internal, declared in the DTD.
List<NotationDeclaration> getNotations()
Return a List containing the notations declared in the DTD.
Object getProcessedDTD()
Returns an implementation defined representation of the DTD.

Method Details


String getDocumentTypeDeclaration()
Returns the entire Document Type Declaration as a string, including the internal DTD subset. This may be null if there is not an internal subset. If it is not null it must return the entire Document Type Declaration which matches the doctypedecl production in the XML 1.0 specification
the Document Type Declaration


Object getProcessedDTD()
Returns an implementation defined representation of the DTD. This method may return null if no representation is available.
the representation of the DTD


List<NotationDeclaration> getNotations()
Return a List containing the notations declared in the DTD. This list must contain NotationDeclaration events.
an unordered list of NotationDeclaration events
See Also:


List<EntityDeclaration> getEntities()
Return a List containing the general entities, both external and internal, declared in the DTD. This list must contain EntityDeclaration events.
an unordered list of EntityDeclaration events
See Also:

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