Interface InitialContextFactoryBuilder

public interface InitialContextFactoryBuilder
This interface represents a builder that creates initial context factories.

The JNDI framework allows for different initial context implementations to be specified at runtime. An initial context is created using an initial context factory. A program can install its own builder that creates initial context factories, thereby overriding the default policies used by the framework, by calling NamingManager.setInitialContextFactoryBuilder(). The InitialContextFactoryBuilder interface must be implemented by such a builder.

See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
InitialContextFactory createInitialContextFactory(Hashtable<?,?> environment)
Creates an initial context factory using the specified environment.

Method Details


InitialContextFactory createInitialContextFactory(Hashtable<?,?> environment) throws NamingException
Creates an initial context factory using the specified environment.

The environment parameter is owned by the caller. The implementation will not modify the object or keep a reference to it, although it may keep a reference to a clone or copy.

environment - Environment used in creating an initial context implementation. Can be null.
A non-null initial context factory.
NamingException - If an initial context factory could not be created.

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