Class ExcC14NParameterSpec

All Implemented Interfaces:
AlgorithmParameterSpec, C14NMethodParameterSpec, TransformParameterSpec
public final class ExcC14NParameterSpec extends Object implements C14NMethodParameterSpec
Parameters for the W3C Recommendation: Exclusive XML Canonicalization (C14N) algorithm. The parameters include an optional inclusive namespace prefix list. The XML Schema Definition of the Exclusive XML Canonicalization parameters is defined as:

 <schema xmlns=""
         version="0.1" elementFormDefault="qualified">

 <element name="InclusiveNamespaces" type="ec:InclusiveNamespaces"/>
 <complexType name="InclusiveNamespaces">
   <attribute name="PrefixList" type="xsd:string"/>
See Also:

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final String DEFAULT
Indicates the default namespace ("#default").

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Creates a ExcC14NParameterSpec with an empty prefix list.
ExcC14NParameterSpec(List<String> prefixList)
Creates a ExcC14NParameterSpec with the specified list of prefixes.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
List<String> getPrefixList()
Returns the inclusive namespace prefix list.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


public static final String DEFAULT
Indicates the default namespace ("#default").
See Also:

Constructor Details


public ExcC14NParameterSpec()
Creates a ExcC14NParameterSpec with an empty prefix list.


public ExcC14NParameterSpec(List<String> prefixList)
Creates a ExcC14NParameterSpec with the specified list of prefixes. The list is copied to protect against subsequent modification.
prefixList - the inclusive namespace prefix list. Each entry in the list is a String that represents a namespace prefix.
NullPointerException - if prefixList is null
ClassCastException - if any of the entries in the list are not of type String

Method Details


public List<String> getPrefixList()
Returns the inclusive namespace prefix list. Each entry in the list is a String that represents a namespace prefix.

This implementation returns an unmodifiable list.

the inclusive namespace prefix list (may be empty but never null)

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