Interface AlgorithmMethod

All Known Subinterfaces:
CanonicalizationMethod, DigestMethod, SignatureMethod, Transform
All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface AlgorithmMethod
An abstract representation of an algorithm defined in the XML Security specifications. Subclasses represent specific types of XML security algorithms, such as a Transform.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getAlgorithm()
Returns the algorithm URI of this AlgorithmMethod.
AlgorithmParameterSpec getParameterSpec()
Returns the algorithm parameters of this AlgorithmMethod.

Method Details


String getAlgorithm()
Returns the algorithm URI of this AlgorithmMethod.
the algorithm URI of this AlgorithmMethod


AlgorithmParameterSpec getParameterSpec()
Returns the algorithm parameters of this AlgorithmMethod.
the algorithm parameters of this AlgorithmMethod. Returns null if this AlgorithmMethod does not require parameters and they are not specified.

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