Interface BeanContextServiceProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface BeanContextServiceProvider

One of the primary functions of a BeanContext is to act a as rendezvous between JavaBeans, and BeanContextServiceProviders.

A JavaBean nested within a BeanContext, may ask that BeanContext to provide an instance of a "service", based upon a reference to a Java Class object that represents that service.

If such a service has been registered with the context, or one of its nesting context's, in the case where a context delegate to its context to satisfy a service request, then the BeanContextServiceProvider associated with the service is asked to provide an instance of that service.

The ServcieProvider may always return the same instance, or it may construct a new instance for each request.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Iterator<?> getCurrentServiceSelectors(BeanContextServices bcs, Class<?> serviceClass)
Invoked by BeanContextServices, this method gets the current service selectors for the specified service.
Object getService(BeanContextServices bcs, Object requestor, Class<?> serviceClass, Object serviceSelector)
Invoked by BeanContextServices, this method requests an instance of a service from this BeanContextServiceProvider.
void releaseService(BeanContextServices bcs, Object requestor, Object service)
Invoked by BeanContextServices, this method releases a nested BeanContextChild's (or any arbitrary object associated with a BeanContextChild) reference to the specified service.

Method Details


Object getService(BeanContextServices bcs, Object requestor, Class<?> serviceClass, Object serviceSelector)
Invoked by BeanContextServices, this method requests an instance of a service from this BeanContextServiceProvider.
bcs - The BeanContextServices associated with this particular request. This parameter enables the BeanContextServiceProvider to distinguish service requests from multiple sources.
requestor - The object requesting the service
serviceClass - The service requested
serviceSelector - the service dependent parameter for a particular service, or null if not applicable.
a reference to the requested service


void releaseService(BeanContextServices bcs, Object requestor, Object service)
Invoked by BeanContextServices, this method releases a nested BeanContextChild's (or any arbitrary object associated with a BeanContextChild) reference to the specified service.
bcs - the BeanContextServices associated with this particular release request
requestor - the object requesting the service to be released
service - the service that is to be released


Iterator<?> getCurrentServiceSelectors(BeanContextServices bcs, Class<?> serviceClass)
Invoked by BeanContextServices, this method gets the current service selectors for the specified service. A service selector is a service specific parameter, typical examples of which could include: a parameter to a constructor for the service implementation class, a value for a particular service's property, or a key into a map of existing implementations.
bcs - the BeanContextServices for this request
serviceClass - the specified service
the current service selectors for the specified serviceClass

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