Interface Accessible

All Known Subinterfaces:
ArrayType, ClassType, Field, InterfaceType, Method, ReferenceType, TypeComponent
public interface Accessible
Provides information on the accessibility of a type or type component. Mirrors for program elements which allow an an access specifier (private, protected, public) provide information on that part of the declaration through this interface.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean isPackagePrivate()
Determines if this object mirrors a package private item.
boolean isPrivate()
Determines if this object mirrors a private item.
boolean isProtected()
Determines if this object mirrors a protected item.
boolean isPublic()
Determines if this object mirrors a public item.
int modifiers()
Returns the Java programming language modifiers, encoded in an integer.

Method Details


int modifiers()
Returns the Java programming language modifiers, encoded in an integer.

The modifier encodings are defined in The Java Virtual Machine Specification in the access_flag tables for classes(section 4.1), fields(section 4.5), and methods(section 4.6).


boolean isPrivate()
Determines if this object mirrors a private item. For ArrayType, the return value depends on the array component type. For primitive arrays the return value is always false. For object arrays, the return value is the same as would be returned for the component type. For primitive classes, such as Integer.TYPE, the return value is always false.
true for items with private access; false otherwise.


boolean isPackagePrivate()
Determines if this object mirrors a package private item. A package private item is declared with no access specifier. For ArrayType, the return value depends on the array component type. For primitive arrays the return value is always false. For object arrays, the return value is the same as would be returned for the component type. For primitive classes, such as Integer.TYPE, the return value is always false.
true for items with package private access; false otherwise.


boolean isProtected()
Determines if this object mirrors a protected item. For ArrayType, the return value depends on the array component type. For primitive arrays the return value is always false. For object arrays, the return value is the same as would be returned for the component type. For primitive classes, such as Integer.TYPE, the return value is always false.
true for items with private access; false otherwise.


boolean isPublic()
Determines if this object mirrors a public item. For ArrayType, the return value depends on the array component type. For primitive arrays the return value is always true. For object arrays, the return value is the same as would be returned for the component type. For primitive classes, such as Integer.TYPE, the return value is always true.
true for items with public access; false otherwise.

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