Class StreamReaderDelegate

All Implemented Interfaces:
XMLStreamConstants, XMLStreamReader
public class StreamReaderDelegate extends Object implements XMLStreamReader
This is the base class for deriving an XMLStreamReader filter This class is designed to sit between an XMLStreamReader and an application's XMLStreamReader. By default each method does nothing but call the corresponding method on the parent interface.
See Also:

Field Summary

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Construct an empty filter with no parent.
StreamReaderDelegate(XMLStreamReader reader)
Construct an filter with the specified parent.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void close()
Frees any resources associated with this Reader.
int getAttributeCount()
Returns the count of attributes on this START_ELEMENT, this method is only valid on a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE.
String getAttributeLocalName(int index)
Returns the localName of the attribute at the provided index
QName getAttributeName(int index)
Returns the qname of the attribute at the provided index
String getAttributeNamespace(int index)
Returns the namespace of the attribute at the provided index
String getAttributePrefix(int index)
Returns the prefix of this attribute at the provided index
String getAttributeType(int index)
Returns the XML type of the attribute at the provided index
String getAttributeValue(int index)
Returns the value of the attribute at the index
String getAttributeValue(String namespaceUri, String localName)
Returns the normalized attribute value of the attribute with the namespace and localName If the namespaceURI is null the namespace is not checked for equality
String getCharacterEncodingScheme()
Returns the character encoding declared on the xml declaration Returns null if none was declared
String getElementText()
Reads the content of a text-only element, an exception is thrown if this is not a text-only element.
String getEncoding()
Return input encoding if known or null if unknown.
int getEventType()
Returns an integer code that indicates the type of the event the cursor is pointing to.
String getLocalName()
Returns the (local) name of the current event.
Location getLocation()
Return the current location of the processor.
QName getName()
Returns a QName for the current START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event
NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext()
Returns a read only namespace context for the current position.
int getNamespaceCount()
Returns the count of namespaces declared on this START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT, this method is only valid on a START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT or NAMESPACE.
String getNamespacePrefix(int index)
Returns the prefix for the namespace declared at the index.
String getNamespaceURI()
If the current event is a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT this method returns the URI of the prefix or the default namespace.
String getNamespaceURI(int index)
Returns the uri for the namespace declared at the index.
String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)
Return the uri for the given prefix.
XMLStreamReader getParent()
Get the parent of this instance.
String getPIData()
Get the data section of a processing instruction
String getPITarget()
Get the target of a processing instruction
String getPrefix()
Returns the prefix of the current event or null if the event does not have a prefix
Object getProperty(String name)
Get the value of a feature/property from the underlying implementation
String getText()
Returns the current value of the parse event as a string, this returns the string value of a CHARACTERS event, returns the value of a COMMENT, the replacement value for an ENTITY_REFERENCE, the string value of a CDATA section, the string value for a SPACE event, or the String value of the internal subset of the DTD.
char[] getTextCharacters()
Returns an array which contains the characters from this event.
int getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length)
Gets the the text associated with a CHARACTERS, SPACE or CDATA event.
int getTextLength()
Returns the length of the sequence of characters for this Text event within the text character array.
int getTextStart()
Returns the offset into the text character array where the first character (of this text event) is stored.
String getVersion()
Get the xml version declared on the xml declaration Returns null if none was declared
boolean hasName()
returns a boolean indicating whether the current event has a name (is a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT).
boolean hasNext()
Returns true if there are more parsing events and false if there are no more events.
boolean hasText()
Return a boolean indicating whether the current event has text.
boolean isAttributeSpecified(int index)
Returns a boolean which indicates if this attribute was created by default
boolean isCharacters()
Returns true if the cursor points to a character data event
boolean isEndElement()
Returns true if the cursor points to an end tag (otherwise false)
boolean isStandalone()
Get the standalone declaration from the xml declaration
boolean isStartElement()
Returns true if the cursor points to a start tag (otherwise false)
boolean isWhiteSpace()
Returns true if the cursor points to a character data event that consists of all whitespace
int next()
Get next parsing event - a processor may return all contiguous character data in a single chunk, or it may split it into several chunks.
int nextTag()
Skips any white space (isWhiteSpace() returns true), COMMENT, or PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, until a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT is reached.
void require(int type, String namespaceURI, String localName)
Test if the current event is of the given type and if the namespace and name match the current namespace and name of the current event.
void setParent(XMLStreamReader reader)
Set the parent of this instance.
boolean standaloneSet()
Checks if standalone was set in the document

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public StreamReaderDelegate()
Construct an empty filter with no parent.


public StreamReaderDelegate(XMLStreamReader reader)
Construct an filter with the specified parent.
reader - the parent

Method Details


public void setParent(XMLStreamReader reader)
Set the parent of this instance.
reader - the new parent


public XMLStreamReader getParent()
Get the parent of this instance.
the parent or null if none is set


public int next() throws XMLStreamException
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Get next parsing event - a processor may return all contiguous character data in a single chunk, or it may split it into several chunks. If the property is set to true element content must be coalesced and only one CHARACTERS event must be returned for contiguous element content or CDATA Sections. By default entity references must be expanded and reported transparently to the application. An exception will be thrown if an entity reference cannot be expanded. If element content is empty (i.e. content is "") then no CHARACTERS event will be reported.

Given the following XML:
<foo><!--description-->content text<![CDATA[<greeting>Hello>/greeting>]]>other content>/foo>
The behavior of calling next() when being on foo will be:
1- the comment (COMMENT)
2- then the characters section (CHARACTERS)
3- then the CDATA section (another CHARACTERS)
4- then the next characters section (another CHARACTERS)
5- then the END_ELEMENT

NOTE: empty element (such as <tag/>) will be reported with two separate events: START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT - This preserves parsing equivalency of empty element to <tag></tag>.

Specified by:
next in interface XMLStreamReader
the integer code corresponding to the current parse event
XMLStreamException - if there is an error processing the underlying XML source
See Also:


public int nextTag() throws XMLStreamException
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Skips any white space (isWhiteSpace() returns true), COMMENT, or PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, until a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT is reached. If other than white space characters, COMMENT, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT are encountered, an exception is thrown. This method should be used when processing element-only content seperated by white space.
Precondition: none
Postcondition: the current event is START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT and cursor may have moved over any whitespace event.
Essentially it does the following (implementations are free to optimized but must do equivalent processing):
 int eventType = next();
 while((eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS && isWhiteSpace()) // skip whitespace
 || (eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CDATA && isWhiteSpace())
 // skip whitespace
 || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.SPACE
 || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
 || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT
 ) {
     eventType = next();
 if (eventType != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT && eventType != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
     throw new String XMLStreamException("expected start or end tag", getLocation());
 return eventType; 
Specified by:
nextTag in interface XMLStreamReader
the event type of the element read (START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT)
XMLStreamException - if the current event is not white space, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT


public String getElementText() throws XMLStreamException
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Reads the content of a text-only element, an exception is thrown if this is not a text-only element. Regardless of value of this method always returns coalesced content.
Precondition: the current event is START_ELEMENT.
Postcondition: the current event is the corresponding END_ELEMENT.
The method does the following (implementations are free to optimized but must do equivalent processing):
 if(getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
     throw new XMLStreamException(
     "parser must be on START_ELEMENT to read next text", getLocation());

 int eventType = next();
 StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
 while(eventType != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
     if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS
        || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.CDATA
        || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.SPACE
        || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE) {
     } else if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
               || eventType == XMLStreamConstants.COMMENT) {
         // skipping
     } else if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT) {
         throw new XMLStreamException(
         "unexpected end of document when reading element text content", this);
     } else if(eventType == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
         throw new XMLStreamException(
         "element text content may not contain START_ELEMENT", getLocation());
     } else {
         throw new XMLStreamException(
         "Unexpected event type "+eventType, getLocation());
     eventType = next();
 return buf.toString();
Specified by:
getElementText in interface XMLStreamReader
the content of a text-only element
XMLStreamException - if the current event is not a START_ELEMENT or if a non text element is encountered


public void require(int type, String namespaceURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Test if the current event is of the given type and if the namespace and name match the current namespace and name of the current event. If the namespaceURI is null it is not checked for equality, if the localName is null it is not checked for equality.
Specified by:
require in interface XMLStreamReader
type - the event type
namespaceURI - the uri of the event, may be null
localName - the localName of the event, may be null
XMLStreamException - if the required values are not matched.


public boolean hasNext() throws XMLStreamException
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns true if there are more parsing events and false if there are no more events. This method will return false if the current state of the XMLStreamReader is END_DOCUMENT
Specified by:
hasNext in interface XMLStreamReader
true if there are more events, false otherwise
XMLStreamException - if there is a fatal error detecting the next state


public void close() throws XMLStreamException
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Frees any resources associated with this Reader. This method does not close the underlying input source.
Specified by:
close in interface XMLStreamReader
XMLStreamException - if there are errors freeing associated resources


public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Return the uri for the given prefix. The uri returned depends on the current state of the processor.

NOTE:The 'xml' prefix is bound as defined in Namespaces in XML specification to "".

NOTE: The 'xmlns' prefix must be resolved to following namespace

Specified by:
getNamespaceURI in interface XMLStreamReader
prefix - The prefix to lookup, may not be null
the uri bound to the given prefix or null if it is not bound


public NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns a read only namespace context for the current position. The context is transient and only valid until a call to next() changes the state of the reader.
Specified by:
getNamespaceContext in interface XMLStreamReader
return a namespace context


public boolean isStartElement()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns true if the cursor points to a start tag (otherwise false)
Specified by:
isStartElement in interface XMLStreamReader
true if the cursor points to a start tag, false otherwise


public boolean isEndElement()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns true if the cursor points to an end tag (otherwise false)
Specified by:
isEndElement in interface XMLStreamReader
true if the cursor points to an end tag, false otherwise


public boolean isCharacters()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns true if the cursor points to a character data event
Specified by:
isCharacters in interface XMLStreamReader
true if the cursor points to character data, false otherwise


public boolean isWhiteSpace()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns true if the cursor points to a character data event that consists of all whitespace
Specified by:
isWhiteSpace in interface XMLStreamReader
true if the cursor points to all whitespace, false otherwise


public String getAttributeValue(String namespaceUri, String localName)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the normalized attribute value of the attribute with the namespace and localName If the namespaceURI is null the namespace is not checked for equality
Specified by:
getAttributeValue in interface XMLStreamReader
namespaceUri - the namespace of the attribute
localName - the local name of the attribute, cannot be null
returns the value of the attribute , returns null if not found


public int getAttributeCount()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the count of attributes on this START_ELEMENT, this method is only valid on a START_ELEMENT or ATTRIBUTE. This count excludes namespace definitions. Attribute indices are zero-based.
Specified by:
getAttributeCount in interface XMLStreamReader
returns the number of attributes


public QName getAttributeName(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the qname of the attribute at the provided index
Specified by:
getAttributeName in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the attribute
the QName of the attribute


public String getAttributePrefix(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the prefix of this attribute at the provided index
Specified by:
getAttributePrefix in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the attribute
the prefix of the attribute


public String getAttributeNamespace(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the namespace of the attribute at the provided index
Specified by:
getAttributeNamespace in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the attribute
the namespace URI (can be null)


public String getAttributeLocalName(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the localName of the attribute at the provided index
Specified by:
getAttributeLocalName in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the attribute
the localName of the attribute


public String getAttributeType(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the XML type of the attribute at the provided index
Specified by:
getAttributeType in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the attribute
the XML type of the attribute


public String getAttributeValue(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the value of the attribute at the index
Specified by:
getAttributeValue in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the attribute
the attribute value


public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns a boolean which indicates if this attribute was created by default
Specified by:
isAttributeSpecified in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the attribute
true if this is a default attribute


public int getNamespaceCount()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the count of namespaces declared on this START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT, this method is only valid on a START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT or NAMESPACE. On an END_ELEMENT the count is of the namespaces that are about to go out of scope. This is the equivalent of the information reported by SAX callback for an end element event.
Specified by:
getNamespaceCount in interface XMLStreamReader
returns the number of namespace declarations on this specific element


public String getNamespacePrefix(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the prefix for the namespace declared at the index. Returns null if this is the default namespace declaration
Specified by:
getNamespacePrefix in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the namespace declaration
returns the namespace prefix


public String getNamespaceURI(int index)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the uri for the namespace declared at the index.
Specified by:
getNamespaceURI in interface XMLStreamReader
index - the position of the namespace declaration
returns the namespace uri


public int getEventType()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns an integer code that indicates the type of the event the cursor is pointing to. The initial event type is XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT.
Specified by:
getEventType in interface XMLStreamReader
the type of the current event


public String getText()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the current value of the parse event as a string, this returns the string value of a CHARACTERS event, returns the value of a COMMENT, the replacement value for an ENTITY_REFERENCE, the string value of a CDATA section, the string value for a SPACE event, or the String value of the internal subset of the DTD. If an ENTITY_REFERENCE has been resolved, any character data will be reported as CHARACTERS events.
Specified by:
getText in interface XMLStreamReader
the current text or null


public int getTextCharacters(int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int length) throws XMLStreamException
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Gets the the text associated with a CHARACTERS, SPACE or CDATA event. Text starting a "sourceStart" is copied into "target" starting at "targetStart". Up to "length" characters are copied. The number of characters actually copied is returned. The "sourceStart" argument must be greater or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the number of characters associated with the event. Usually, one requests text starting at a "sourceStart" of 0. If the number of characters actually copied is less than the "length", then there is no more text. Otherwise, subsequent calls need to be made until all text has been retrieved. For example:

 int length = 1024;
 char[] myBuffer = new char[ length ];

 for ( int sourceStart = 0 ; ; sourceStart += length )
    int nCopied = stream.getTextCharacters( sourceStart, myBuffer, 0, length );

   if (nCopied < length)
XMLStreamException may be thrown if there are any XML errors in the underlying source. The "targetStart" argument must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the length of "target", Length must be greater than 0 and "targetStart + length" must be less than or equal to length of "target".
Specified by:
getTextCharacters in interface XMLStreamReader
sourceStart - the index of the first character in the source array to copy
target - the destination array
targetStart - the start offset in the target array
length - the number of characters to copy
the number of characters actually copied
XMLStreamException - if the underlying XML source is not well-formed


public char[] getTextCharacters()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns an array which contains the characters from this event. This array should be treated as read-only and transient. I.e. the array will contain the text characters until the XMLStreamReader moves on to the next event. Attempts to hold onto the character array beyond that time or modify the contents of the array are breaches of the contract for this interface.
Specified by:
getTextCharacters in interface XMLStreamReader
the current text or an empty array


public int getTextStart()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the offset into the text character array where the first character (of this text event) is stored.
Specified by:
getTextStart in interface XMLStreamReader
the starting position of the text in the character array


public int getTextLength()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the length of the sequence of characters for this Text event within the text character array.
Specified by:
getTextLength in interface XMLStreamReader
the length of the text


public String getEncoding()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Return input encoding if known or null if unknown.
Specified by:
getEncoding in interface XMLStreamReader
the encoding of this instance or null


public boolean hasText()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Return a boolean indicating whether the current event has text. The following events have text: CHARACTERS,DTD ,ENTITY_REFERENCE, COMMENT, SPACE
Specified by:
hasText in interface XMLStreamReader
true if the event has text, false otherwise


public Location getLocation()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Return the current location of the processor. If the Location is unknown the processor should return an implementation of Location that returns -1 for the location and null for the publicId and systemId. The location information is only valid until next() is called.
Specified by:
getLocation in interface XMLStreamReader
the location of the cursor


public QName getName()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns a QName for the current START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event
Specified by:
getName in interface XMLStreamReader
the QName for the current START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT event


public String getLocalName()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the (local) name of the current event. For START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT returns the (local) name of the current element. For ENTITY_REFERENCE it returns entity name. The current event must be START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT, or ENTITY_REFERENCE
Specified by:
getLocalName in interface XMLStreamReader
the localName


public boolean hasName()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
returns a boolean indicating whether the current event has a name (is a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT).
Specified by:
hasName in interface XMLStreamReader
true if the event has a name, false otherwise


public String getNamespaceURI()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
If the current event is a START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT this method returns the URI of the prefix or the default namespace. Returns null if the event does not have a prefix.
Specified by:
getNamespaceURI in interface XMLStreamReader
the URI bound to this elements prefix, the default namespace, or null


public String getPrefix()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the prefix of the current event or null if the event does not have a prefix
Specified by:
getPrefix in interface XMLStreamReader
the prefix or null


public String getVersion()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Get the xml version declared on the xml declaration Returns null if none was declared
Specified by:
getVersion in interface XMLStreamReader
the XML version or null


public boolean isStandalone()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Get the standalone declaration from the xml declaration
Specified by:
isStandalone in interface XMLStreamReader
true if this is standalone, or false otherwise


public boolean standaloneSet()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Checks if standalone was set in the document
Specified by:
standaloneSet in interface XMLStreamReader
true if standalone was set in the document, or false otherwise


public String getCharacterEncodingScheme()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Returns the character encoding declared on the xml declaration Returns null if none was declared
Specified by:
getCharacterEncodingScheme in interface XMLStreamReader
the encoding declared in the document or null


public String getPITarget()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Get the target of a processing instruction
Specified by:
getPITarget in interface XMLStreamReader
the target or null


public String getPIData()
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Get the data section of a processing instruction
Specified by:
getPIData in interface XMLStreamReader
the data or null


public Object getProperty(String name)
Description copied from interface: XMLStreamReader
Get the value of a feature/property from the underlying implementation
Specified by:
getProperty in interface XMLStreamReader
name - The name of the property, may not be null
The value of the property

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
Various third party code in OpenJDK is licensed under different licenses (see Debian package).
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