Interface TypeDescriptor.OfField<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>>

Type Parameters:
F - the class implementing TypeDescriptor.OfField
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Enclosing interface:
public static interface TypeDescriptor.OfField<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>> extends TypeDescriptor
An entity that has a field type descriptor. Field descriptors conforming to JVMS 4.3.2 can be described nominally via Class::describeConstable; otherwise they cannot be described nominally.
See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.3.2 Field Descriptors

Nested Class Summary

Nested classes/interfaces declared in interface java.lang.invoke.TypeDescriptor

TypeDescriptor.OfField<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>>, TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>,M extends TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F,M>>

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
F arrayType()
Return a descriptor for the array type whose component type is described by this descriptor
F componentType()
If this field descriptor describes an array type, return a descriptor for its component type, otherwise return null.
boolean isArray()
Does this field descriptor describe an array type?
boolean isPrimitive()
Does this field descriptor describe a primitive type (including void.)

Methods declared in interface java.lang.invoke.TypeDescriptor


Method Details


boolean isArray()
Does this field descriptor describe an array type?
whether this field descriptor describes an array type


boolean isPrimitive()
Does this field descriptor describe a primitive type (including void.)
whether this field descriptor describes a primitive type


F componentType()
If this field descriptor describes an array type, return a descriptor for its component type, otherwise return null.
the component type, or null if this field descriptor does not describe an array type


F arrayType()
Return a descriptor for the array type whose component type is described by this descriptor
the descriptor for the array type

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