Class TabStop

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class TabStop extends Object implements Serializable
This class encapsulates a single tab stop (basically as tab stops are thought of by RTF). A tab stop is at a specified distance from the left margin, aligns text in a specified way, and has a specified leader. TabStops are immutable, and usually contained in TabSets.

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeans has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int ALIGN_BAR
Align bar
static final int ALIGN_CENTER
Characters following tab are positioned such that all following characters up to next tab/newline are centered around the tabs location.
static final int ALIGN_DECIMAL
Characters following tab are aligned such that next decimal/tab/newline is at the tab location, very similar to RIGHT_TAB, just includes decimal as additional character to look for.
static final int ALIGN_LEFT
Character following tab is positioned at location.
static final int ALIGN_RIGHT
Characters following tab are positioned such that all following characters up to next tab/newline end at location.
static final int LEAD_DOTS
Lead dots
static final int LEAD_EQUALS
Lead equals
static final int LEAD_HYPHENS
Lead hyphens
static final int LEAD_NONE
Lead none
static final int LEAD_THICKLINE
Lead thickline
static final int LEAD_UNDERLINE
Lead underline

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
TabStop(float pos)
Creates a tab at position pos with a default alignment and default leader.
TabStop(float pos, int align, int leader)
Creates a tab with the specified position pos, alignment align and leader leader.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean equals(Object other)
Returns true if the tabs are equal.
int getAlignment()
Returns the alignment, as an integer, of the tab.
int getLeader()
Returns the leader of the tab.
float getPosition()
Returns the position, as a float, of the tab.
int hashCode()
Returns the hashCode for the object.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


public static final int ALIGN_LEFT
Character following tab is positioned at location.
See Also:


public static final int ALIGN_RIGHT
Characters following tab are positioned such that all following characters up to next tab/newline end at location.
See Also:


public static final int ALIGN_CENTER
Characters following tab are positioned such that all following characters up to next tab/newline are centered around the tabs location.
See Also:


public static final int ALIGN_DECIMAL
Characters following tab are aligned such that next decimal/tab/newline is at the tab location, very similar to RIGHT_TAB, just includes decimal as additional character to look for.
See Also:


public static final int ALIGN_BAR
Align bar
See Also:


public static final int LEAD_NONE
Lead none
See Also:


public static final int LEAD_DOTS
Lead dots
See Also:


public static final int LEAD_HYPHENS
Lead hyphens
See Also:


public static final int LEAD_UNDERLINE
Lead underline
See Also:


public static final int LEAD_THICKLINE
Lead thickline
See Also:


public static final int LEAD_EQUALS
Lead equals
See Also:

Constructor Details


public TabStop(float pos)
Creates a tab at position pos with a default alignment and default leader.
pos - position of the tab


public TabStop(float pos, int align, int leader)
Creates a tab with the specified position pos, alignment align and leader leader.
pos - position of the tab
align - alignment of the tab
leader - leader of the tab

Method Details


public float getPosition()
Returns the position, as a float, of the tab.
the position of the tab


public int getAlignment()
Returns the alignment, as an integer, of the tab.
the alignment of the tab


public int getLeader()
Returns the leader of the tab.
the leader of the tab


public boolean equals(Object other)
Returns true if the tabs are equal.
equals in class Object
other - the reference object with which to compare.
true if the tabs are equal, otherwise false
See Also:


public int hashCode()
Returns the hashCode for the object. This must be defined here to ensure 100% pure.
hashCode in class Object
the hashCode for the object
See Also:

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