Interface MenuContainer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractButton, AbstractColorChooserPanel, Applet, BasicArrowButton, BasicComboBoxRenderer, BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource, BasicComboPopup, BasicInternalFrameTitlePane, BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SystemMenuBar, BasicSplitPaneDivider, BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow, Box, Box.Filler, Button, Canvas, CellRendererPane, Checkbox, Choice, Component, Container, DefaultListCellRenderer, DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource, DefaultTableCellRenderer, DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource, DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField, DefaultTreeCellEditor.EditorContainer, DefaultTreeCellRenderer, Dialog, FileDialog, Frame, JApplet, JButton, JCheckBox, JCheckBoxMenuItem, JColorChooser, JComboBox, JComponent, JDesktopPane, JDialog, JEditorPane, JFileChooser, JFormattedTextField, JFrame, JInternalFrame, JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon, JLabel, JLayer, JLayeredPane, JList, JMenu, JMenuBar, JMenuItem, JOptionPane, JPanel, JPasswordField, JPopupMenu, JPopupMenu.Separator, JProgressBar, JRadioButton, JRadioButtonMenuItem, JRootPane, JScrollBar, JScrollPane, JScrollPane.ScrollBar, JSeparator, JSlider, JSpinner, JSpinner.DateEditor, JSpinner.DefaultEditor, JSpinner.ListEditor, JSpinner.NumberEditor, JSplitPane, JTabbedPane, JTable, JTableHeader, JTextArea, JTextComponent, JTextField, JTextPane, JToggleButton, JToolBar, JToolBar.Separator, JToolTip, JTree, JViewport, JWindow, Label, List, Menu, MenuBar, MetalComboBoxButton, MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboPopup, MetalFileChooserUI.FileRenderer, MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxRenderer, MetalInternalFrameTitlePane, MetalScrollButton, Panel, PopupMenu, Scrollbar, ScrollPane, TextArea, TextComponent, TextField, Window
public interface MenuContainer
The super class of all menu related containers.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Font getFont()
Returns the font in use by this container.
boolean postEvent(Event evt)
As of JDK version 1.1 replaced by dispatchEvent(AWTEvent).
void remove(MenuComponent comp)
Removes the specified menu component from the menu.

Method Details


Font getFont()
Returns the font in use by this container.
the menu font


void remove(MenuComponent comp)
Removes the specified menu component from the menu.
comp - the menu component to remove


@Deprecated boolean postEvent(Event evt)
As of JDK version 1.1 replaced by dispatchEvent(AWTEvent).
Posts an event to the listeners.
evt - the event to dispatch
the results of posting the event

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