
class torch.nn.GaussianNLLLoss(*, full=False, eps=1e-06, reduction='mean') [source]

Gaussian negative log likelihood loss.

The targets are treated as samples from Gaussian distributions with expectations and variances predicted by the neural network. For a D-dimensional target tensor modelled as having heteroscedastic Gaussian distributions with a D-dimensional tensor of expectations input and a D-dimensional tensor of positive variances var the loss is:

loss=12i=1D(log(max(var[i], eps))+(input[i]target[i])2max(var[i], eps))+const.\text{loss} = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^D \left(\log\left(\text{max}\left(\text{var}[i], \ \text{eps}\right)\right) + \frac{\left(\text{input}[i] - \text{target}[i]\right)^2} {\text{max}\left(\text{var}[i], \ \text{eps}\right)}\right) + \text{const.}

where eps is used for stability. By default, the constant term of the loss function is omitted unless full is True. If var is a scalar (implying target tensor has homoscedastic Gaussian distributions) it is broadcasted to be the same size as the input.

  • full (bool, optional) – include the constant term in the loss calculation. Default: False.
  • eps (float, optional) – value used to clamp var (see note below), for stability. Default: 1e-6.
  • reduction (string, optional) – specifies the reduction to apply to the output:'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. 'none': no reduction will be applied, 'mean': the output is the average of all batch member losses, 'sum': the output is the sum of all batch member losses. Default: 'mean'.
  • Input: (N,)(N, *) where * means any number of additional dimensions
  • Target: (N,)(N, *) , same shape as the input
  • Var: (N,1)(N, 1) or (N,)(N, *) , same shape as the input
  • Output: scalar if reduction is 'mean' (default) or 'sum'. If reduction is 'none', then (N)(N)


>>> loss = nn.GaussianNLLLoss()
>>> input = torch.randn(5, 2, requires_grad=True)
>>> target = torch.randn(5, 2)
>>> var = torch.ones(5, 2, requires_grad=True) #heteroscedastic
>>> output = loss(input, target, var)
>>> output.backward()

>>> loss = nn.GaussianNLLLoss()
>>> input = torch.randn(5, 2, requires_grad=True)
>>> target = torch.randn(5, 2)
>>> var = torch.ones(5, 1, requires_grad=True) #homoscedastic
>>> output = loss(input, target, var)
>>> output.backward()


The clamping of var is ignored with respect to autograd, and so the gradients are unaffected by it.


Nix, D. A. and Weigend, A. S., “Estimating the mean and variance of the target probability distribution”, Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN’94), Orlando, FL, USA, 1994, pp. 55-60 vol.1, doi: 10.1109/ICNN.1994.374138.

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