
The vsphere_vmfs_datastore resource can be used to create and manage VMFS datastores on an ESXi host or a set of hosts. The resource supports using any SCSI device that can generally be used in a datastore, such as local disks, or disks presented to a host or multiple hosts over Fibre Channel or iSCSI. Devices can be specified manually, or discovered using the vsphere_vmfs_disks data source.

Auto-Mounting of Datastores Within vCenter

Note that the current behaviour of this resource will auto-mount any created datastores to any other host within vCenter that has access to the same disk.

Example: You want to create a datastore with a iSCSI LUN that is visible on 3 hosts in a single vSphere cluster (esxi1, esxi2 and esxi3). When you create the datastore on esxi1, the datastore will be automatically mounted on esxi2 and esxi3, without the need to configure the resource on either of those two hosts.

Future versions of this resource may allow you to control the hosts that a datastore is mounted to, but currently, this automatic behaviour cannot be changed, so keep this in mind when writing your configurations and deploying your disks.

Increasing Datastore Size

To increase the size of a datastore, you must add additional disks to the disks attribute. Expanding the size of a datastore by increasing the size of an already provisioned disk is currently not supported (but may be in future versions of this resource).

Example Usage

Addition of local disks on a single host

The following example uses the default datacenter and default host to add a datastore with local disks to a single ESXi server.

data "vsphere_datacenter" "datacenter" {}

data "vsphere_host" "esxi_host" {
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.datacenter.id}"

resource "vsphere_vmfs_datastore" "datastore" {
  name           = "terraform-test"
  host_system_id = "${data.vsphere_host.esxi_host.id}"

  disks = [

Auto-detection of disks via vsphere_vmfs_disks

The following example makes use of the vsphere_vmfs_disks data source to auto-detect exported iSCSI LUNS matching a certain NAA vendor ID (in this case, LUNs exported from a NetApp). These discovered disks are then loaded into vsphere_vmfs_datastore. The datastore is also placed in the datastore-folder folder afterwards.

data "vsphere_datacenter" "datacenter" {
  name = "dc1"

data "vsphere_host" "esxi_host" {
  name          = "esxi1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.datacenter.id}"

data "vsphere_vmfs_disks" "available" {
  host_system_id = "${data.vsphere_host.esxi_host.id}"
  rescan         = true
  filter         = "naa.60a98000"

resource "vsphere_vmfs_datastore" "datastore" {
  name           = "terraform-test"
  host_system_id = "${data.vsphere_host.esxi_host.id}"
  folder         = "datastore-folder"

  disks = ["${data.vsphere_vmfs_disks.available.disks}"]

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the datastore. Forces a new resource if changed.
  • host_system_id - (Required) The managed object ID of the host to set the datastore up on. Note that this is not necessarily the only host that the datastore will be set up on - see here for more info. Forces a new resource if changed.
  • disks - (Required) The disks to use with the datastore.
  • folder - (Optional) The relative path to a folder to put this datastore in. This is a path relative to the datacenter you are deploying the datastore to. Example: for the dc1 datacenter, and a provided folder of foo/bar, Terraform will place a datastore named terraform-test in a datastore folder located at /dc1/datastore/foo/bar, with the final inventory path being /dc1/datastore/foo/bar/terraform-test. Conflicts with datastore_cluster_id.
  • datastore_cluster_id - (Optional) The managed object ID of a datastore cluster to put this datastore in. Conflicts with folder.
  • tags - (Optional) The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. See here for a reference on how to apply tags.
  • custom_attributes (Optional) Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value string to set on datastore resource. See here for a reference on how to set values for custom attributes.

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The managed object reference ID of the datastore.
  • accessible - The connectivity status of the datastore. If this is false, some other computed attributes may be out of date.
  • capacity - Maximum capacity of the datastore, in megabytes.
  • free_space - Available space of this datastore, in megabytes.
  • maintenance_mode - The current maintenance mode state of the datastore.
  • multiple_host_access - If true, more than one host in the datacenter has been configured with access to the datastore.
  • uncommitted_space - Total additional storage space, in megabytes, potentially used by all virtual machines on this datastore.
  • url - The unique locator for the datastore.


An existing VMFS datastore can be imported into this resource via its managed object ID, via the command below. You also need the host system ID.

terraform import vsphere_vmfs_datastore.datastore datastore-123:host-10

You need a tool like govc that can display managed object IDs.

In the case of govc, you can locate a managed object ID from an inventory path by doing the following:

$ govc ls -i /dc/datastore/terraform-test

To locate host IDs, it might be a good idea to supply the -l flag as well so that you can line up the names with the IDs:

$ govc ls -l -i /dc/host/cluster1
ResourcePool:resgroup-10 /dc/host/cluster1/Resources
HostSystem:host-10 /dc/host/cluster1/esxi1
HostSystem:host-11 /dc/host/cluster1/esxi2
HostSystem:host-12 /dc/host/cluster1/esxi3

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