
This resource allows you to add/update/delete ethernet interfaces.

Example Usage

# Configure a bare-bones ethernet interface.
resource "panos_ethernet_interface" "example1" {
    name = "ethernet1/3"
    vsys = "vsys1"
    mode = "layer3"
    static_ips = [""]
    comment = "Configured for internal traffic"

# Configure a DHCP ethernet interface for vsys1 to use.
resource "panos_ethernet_interface" "example2" {
    name = "ethernet1/4"
    vsys = "vsys1"
    mode = "layer3"
    enable_dhcp = true
    create_dhcp_default_route = true
    dhcp_default_route_metric = 10

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The ethernet interface's name. This should be something like ethernet1/X.
  • vsys - (Required) The vsys that will use this interface. This should be something like vsys1 or vsys3.
  • mode - (Required) The interface mode. This can be any of the following values: layer3, layer2, virtual-wire, tap, ha, decrypt-mirror, or aggregate-group.
  • static_ips - (Optional) List of static IPv4 addresses to set for this data interface.
  • enable_dhcp - (Optional) Set to true to enable DHCP on this interface.
  • create_dhcp_default_route - (Optional) Set to true to create a DHCP default route.
  • dhcp_default_route_metric - (Optional) The metric for the DHCP default route.
  • ipv6_enabled - (Optional) Set to true to enable IPv6.
  • management_profile - (Optional) The management profile.
  • mtu - (Optional) The MTU.
  • adjust_tcp_mss - (Optional) Adjust TCP MSS (default: false).
  • netflow_profile - (Optional) The netflow profile.
  • lldp_enabled - (Optional) Enable LLDP (default: false).
  • lldp_profile - (Optional) LLDP profile.
  • link_speed - (Optional) Link speed. This can be any of the following: 10, 100, 1000, or auto.
  • link_duplex - (Optional) Link duplex setting. This can be full, half, or auto.
  • link_state - (Optional) The link state. This can be up, down, or auto.
  • aggregate_group - (Optional) The aggregate group (applicable for physical firewalls only).
  • comment - (Optional) The interface comment.
  • ipv4_mss_adjust - (Optional, PAN-OS 8.0+) The IPv4 MSS adjust value.
  • ipv6_mss_adjust - (Optional, PAN-OS 8.0+) The IPv6 MSS adjust value.

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