
Provides a Direct Connect public virtual interface resource.

Example Usage

resource "aws_dx_public_virtual_interface" "foo" {
  connection_id    = "dxcon-zzzzzzzz"

  name           = "vif-foo"
  vlan           = 4094
  address_family = "ipv4"
  bgp_asn        = 65352

  customer_address = ""
  amazon_address   = ""
  route_filter_prefixes = [

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • address_family - (Required) The address family for the BGP peer. ipv4 or ipv6.
  • bgp_asn - (Required) The autonomous system (AS) number for Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) configuration.
  • connection_id - (Required) The ID of the Direct Connect connection (or LAG) on which to create the virtual interface.
  • name - (Required) The name for the virtual interface.
  • vlan - (Required) The VLAN ID.
  • amazon_address - (Optional) The IPv4 CIDR address to use to send traffic to Amazon. Required for IPv4 BGP peers.
  • bgp_auth_key - (Optional) The authentication key for BGP configuration.
  • customer_address - (Optional) The IPv4 CIDR destination address to which Amazon should send traffic. Required for IPv4 BGP peers.
  • route_filter_prefixes - (Required) A list of routes to be advertised to the AWS network in this region.
  • tags - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the virtual interface.
  • arn - The ARN of the virtual interface.


aws_dx_public_virtual_interface provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - (Default 10 minutes) Used for creating virtual interface
  • delete - (Default 10 minutes) Used for destroying virtual interface


Direct Connect public virtual interfaces can be imported using the vif id, e.g.

$ terraform import aws_dx_public_virtual_interface.test dxvif-33cc44dd

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