
Creates a new storage blob within a given storage container on Azure.

Example Usage

resource "azure_storage_blob" "foo" {
  name                   = "tftesting-blob"
  storage_service_name   = "tfstorserv"
  storage_container_name = "terraform-storage-container"
  type                   = "PageBlob"
  size                   = 1024

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the storage blob. Must be unique within the storage service the blob is located.

  • storage_service_name - (Required) The name of the storage service within which the storage container in which the blob will be created resides.

  • storage_container_name - (Required) The name of the storage container in which this blob should be created. Must be located on the storage service given with storage_service_name.

  • type - (Required) The type of the storage blob to be created. One of either BlockBlob or PageBlob.

  • size - (Optional) Used only for PageBlob's to specify the size in bytes of the blob to be created. Must be a multiple of 512. Defaults to 0.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The storage blob ID. Coincides with the given name.

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