
The vsphere_virtual_machine resource can be used to manage the complex lifecycle of a virtual machine. It supports management of disk, network interface, and CDROM devices, creation from scratch or cloning from template, and migration through both host and storage vMotion.

For more details on working with virtual machines in vSphere, see this page.

About Working with Virtual Machines in Terraform

A high degree of control and flexibility is afforded to a vSphere user when it comes to how to configure, deploy, and manage virtual machines - much more control than given in a traditional cloud provider. As such, Terraform has to make some decisions on how to manage the virtual machines it creates and manages. This section documents things you need to know about your virtual machine configuration that you should consider when setting up virtual machines, creating templates to clone from, or migrating from previous versions of this resource.


The vsphere_virtual_machine resource currently only supports standard VMDK-backed virtual disks - it does not support other special kinds of disk devices like RDM disks.

Disks are managed by an arbitrary label supplied to the label attribute of a disk sub-resource. This is separate from the automatic naming that vSphere picks for you when creating a virtual machine. Control over a virtual disk's name is not supported unless you are attaching an external disk with the attach attribute.

Virtual disks can be SCSI disks only. The SCSI controllers managed by Terraform can vary, depending on the value supplied to scsi_controller_count. This also dictates the controllers that are checked when looking for disks during a cloning process. By default, this value is 1, meaning that you can have up to 15 disks configured on a virtual machine. These are all configured with the controller type defined by the scsi_type setting. If you are cloning from a template, devices will be added or re-configured as necessary.

When cloning from a template, you must specify disks of either the same or greater size than the disks in the source template when creating a traditional clone, or exactly the same size when cloning from snapshot (also known as a linked clone). For more details, see the section on creating a virtual machine from a template.

A maximum of 60 virtual disks can be configured when the scsi_controller_count setting is configured to its maximum of 4 controllers. See the disk options section for more details.

Customization and network waiters

Terraform waits during various parts of a virtual machine deployment to ensure that it is in a correct expected state before proceeding. These happen when a VM is created, or also when it's updated, depending on the waiter.

Two waiters of note are:

  • The customization waiter: This waiter watches events in vSphere to monitor when customization on a virtual machine completes during VM creation. Depending on your vSphere or VM configuration it may be necessary to change the timeout or turn it off. This can be controlled by the timeout setting in the customization settings block.
  • The network waiter: This waiter waits for interfaces to show up on a guest virtual machine close to the end of both VM creation and update. This waiter is necessary to ensure that correct IP information gets reported to the guest virtual machine, mainly to facilitate the availability of a valid, reachable default IP address for any provisioners. The behavior of the waiter can be controlled with the wait_for_guest_net_timeout and wait_for_guest_net_routable settings.

Migrating from a previous version of this resource

The path for migrating to the current version of this resource is very similar to the import path, with the exception that the terraform import command does not need to be run. See that section for details on what is required before you run terraform plan on a state that requires migration.

A successful migration usually only results in a configuration-only diff - that is, Terraform reconciles some configuration settings that cannot be set during the migration process with state. In this event, no reconfiguration operations are sent to the vSphere server during the next terraform apply. See the importing section for more details.

Example Usage

Creating a virtual machine from scratch

The following block contains all that is necessary to create a new virtual machine, with a single disk and network interface.

The resource makes use of the following data sources to do its job: vsphere_datacenter to locate the datacenter, vsphere_datastore to locate the default datastore to put the virtual machine in, vsphere_resource_pool to locate a resource pool located in a cluster or standalone host, and vsphere_network to locate a network.

data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
  name = "dc1"

data "vsphere_datastore" "datastore" {
  name          = "datastore1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "cluster" {
  name          = "cluster1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_network" "network" {
  name          = "public"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
  name             = "terraform-test"
  resource_pool_id = "${data.vsphere_compute_cluster.cluster.resource_pool_id}"
  datastore_id     = "${data.vsphere_datastore.datastore.id}"

  num_cpus = 2
  memory   = 1024
  guest_id = "other3xLinux64Guest"

  network_interface {
    network_id = "${data.vsphere_network.network.id}"

  disk {
    label = "disk0"
    size  = 20

Cloning and customization example

Building on the above example, the below configuration creates a VM by cloning it from a template, fetched via the vsphere_virtual_machine data source. This allows us to locate the UUID of the template we want to clone, along with settings for network interface type, SCSI bus type (especially important on Windows machines), and disk attributes.

data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
  name = "dc1"

data "vsphere_datastore" "datastore" {
  name          = "datastore1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "cluster" {
  name          = "cluster1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_network" "network" {
  name          = "public"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "template" {
  name          = "ubuntu-16.04"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
  name             = "terraform-test"
  resource_pool_id = "${data.vsphere_compute_cluster.cluster.resource_pool_id}"
  datastore_id     = "${data.vsphere_datastore.datastore.id}"

  num_cpus = 2
  memory   = 1024
  guest_id = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.guest_id}"

  scsi_type = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.scsi_type}"

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.network.id}"
    adapter_type = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.network_interface_types[0]}"

  disk {
    label            = "disk0"
    size             = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.size}"
    eagerly_scrub    = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.eagerly_scrub}"
    thin_provisioned = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.thin_provisioned}"

  clone {
    template_uuid = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.id}"

    customize {
      linux_options {
        host_name = "terraform-test"
        domain    = "test.internal"

      network_interface {
        ipv4_address = ""
        ipv4_netmask = 24

      ipv4_gateway = ""

Cloning from an OVF/OVA-created template with vApp properties

This alternate example details how to clone a VM from a template that came from an OVF/OVA file. This leverages the resource's vApp properties capabilities to set appropriate keys that control various configuration settings on the virtual machine or virtual appliance. In this scenario, using customize is not recommended as the functionality has tendency to overlap.

data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
  name = "dc1"

data "vsphere_datastore" "datastore" {
  name          = "datastore1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "cluster" {
  name          = "cluster1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_network" "network" {
  name          = "public"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "tempate_from_ovf" {
  name          = "template_from_ovf"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
  name             = "terraform-test"
  resource_pool_id = "${data.vsphere_compute_cluster.cluster.resource_pool_id}"
  datastore_id     = "${data.vsphere_datastore.datastore.id}"

  num_cpus = 2
  memory   = 1024
  guest_id = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.guest_id}"

  scsi_type = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.scsi_type}"

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.network.id}"
    adapter_type = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.network_interface_types[0]}"

  disk {
    name             = "disk0"
    size             = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.size}"
    eagerly_scrub    = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.eagerly_scrub}"
    thin_provisioned = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.disks.0.thin_provisioned}"

  clone {
    template_uuid = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template_from_ovf.id}"

  vapp {
    properties {
      "guestinfo.hostname"                        = "terraform-test.foobar.local"
      "guestinfo.interface.0.name"                = "ens192"
      "guestinfo.interface.0.ip.0.address"        = ""
      "guestinfo.interface.0.route.0.gateway"     = ""
      "guestinfo.interface.0.route.0.destination" = ""
      "guestinfo.dns.server.0"                    = ""

Using Storage DRS

The vsphere_virtual_machine resource also supports Storage DRS, allowing the assignment of virtual machines to datastore clusters. When assigned to a datastore cluster, changes to a virtual machine's underlying datastores are ignored unless disks drift outside of the datastore cluster. The example below makes use of the vsphere_datastore_cluster data source, and the datastore_cluster_id configuration setting. Note that the vsphere_datastore_cluster resource also exists to allow for management of datastore clusters directly in Terraform.

data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
  name = "dc1"

data "vsphere_datastore_cluster" "datastore_cluster" {
  name          = "datastore-cluster1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_compute_cluster" "cluster" {
  name          = "cluster1"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

data "vsphere_network" "network" {
  name          = "public"
  datacenter_id = "${data.vsphere_datacenter.dc.id}"

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
  name                 = "terraform-test"
  resource_pool_id     = "${data.vsphere_compute_cluster.cluster.resource_pool_id}"
  datastore_cluster_id = "${data.vsphere_datastore_cluster.datastore_cluster.id}"

  num_cpus = 2
  memory   = 1024
  guest_id = "other3xLinux64Guest"

  network_interface {
    network_id = "${data.vsphere_network.network.id}"

  disk {
    label = "disk0"
    size  = 20

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

General options

The following options are general virtual machine and Terraform workflow options:

  • folder - (Optional) The path to the folder to put this virtual machine in, relative to the datacenter that the resource pool is in.
  • host_system_id - (Optional) An optional managed object reference ID of a host to put this virtual machine on. See the section on virtual machine migration for details on changing this value. If a host_system_id is not supplied, vSphere will select a host in the resource pool to place the virtual machine, according to any defaults or DRS policies in place.
  • disk - (Required) A specification for a virtual disk device on this virtual machine. See disk options below.
  • network_interface - (Required) A specification for a virtual NIC on this virtual machine. See network interface options below.
  • cdrom - (Optional) A specification for a CDROM device on this virtual machine. See CDROM options below.
  • clone - (Optional) When specified, the VM will be created as a clone of a specified template. Optional customization options can be submitted as well. See creating a virtual machine from a template for more details.
  • vapp - (Optional) Optional vApp configuration. The only sub-key available is properties, which is a key/value map of properties for virtual machines imported from OVF or OVA files. See Using vApp properties to supply OVF/OVA configuration for more details.
  • guest_id - (Optional) The guest ID for the operating system type. For a full list of possible values, see here. Default: other-64.

  • alternate_guest_name - (Optional) The guest name for the operating system when guest_id is other or other-64.

  • annotation - (Optional) A user-provided description of the virtual machine. The default is no annotation.

  • firmware - (Optional) The firmware interface to use on the virtual machine. Can be one of bios or EFI. Default: bios.

  • extra_config - (Optional) Extra configuration data for this virtual machine. Can be used to supply advanced parameters not normally in configuration, such as data for cloud-config (under the guestinfo namespace).

  • scsi_type - (Optional) The type of SCSI bus this virtual machine will have. Can be one of lsilogic (LSI Logic Parallel), lsilogic-sas (LSI Logic SAS) or pvscsi (VMware Paravirtual). Defualt: pvscsi.
  • tags - (Optional) The IDs of any tags to attach to this resource. See here for a reference on how to apply tags.
  • custom_attributes - (Optional) Map of custom attribute ids to attribute value strings to set for virtual machine. See here for a reference on how to set values for custom attributes.

CPU and memory options

The following options control CPU and memory settings on the virtual machine:

  • num_cpus - (Optional) The number of virtual processors to assign to this virtual machine. Default: 1.
  • num_cores_per_socket - (Optional) The number of cores to distribute among the CPUs in this virtual machine. If specified, the value supplied to num_cpus must be evenly divisible by this value. Default: 1.
  • cpu_hot_add_enabled - (Optional) Allow CPUs to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.
  • cpu_hot_remove_enabled - (Optional) Allow CPUs to be removed to this virtual machine while it is running.
  • memory - (Optional) The size of the virtual machine's memory, in MB. Default: 1024 (1 GB).
  • memory_hot_add_enabled - (Optional) Allow memory to be added to this virtual machine while it is running.

Boot options

The following options control boot settings on the virtual machine:

  • boot_delay - (Optional) The number of milliseconds to wait before starting the boot sequence. The default is no delay.
  • efi_secure_boot_enabled - (Optional) When the firmware type is set to is efi, this enables EFI secure boot. Default: false.
  • boot_retry_delay - (Optional) The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying the boot sequence. This only valid if boot_retry_enabled is true. Default: 10000 (10 seconds).
  • boot_retry_enabled - (Optional) If set to true, a virtual machine that fails to boot will try again after the delay defined in boot_retry_delay. Default: false.

VMware Tools options

The following options control VMware tools options on the virtual machine:

Resource allocation options

The following options allow control over CPU and memory allocation on the virtual machine. Note that the resource pool that this VM is in may affect these options.

  • cpu_limit - (Optional) The maximum amount of CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.
  • cpu_reservation - (Optional) The amount of CPU (in MHz) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.
  • cpu_share_level - (Optional) The allocation level for CPU resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. Default: custom.
  • cpu_share_count - (Optional) The number of CPU shares allocated to the virtual machine when the cpu_share_level is custom.
  • memory_limit - (Optional) The maximum amount of memory (in MB) that this virtual machine can consume, regardless of available resources. The default is no limit.
  • memory_reservation - (Optional) The amount of memory (in MB) that this virtual machine is guaranteed. The default is no reservation.
  • memory_share_level - (Optional) The allocation level for memory resources. Can be one of high, low, normal, or custom. Default: custom.
  • memory_share_count - (Optional) The number of memory shares allocated to the virtual machine when the memory_share_level is custom.

Advanced options

The following options control advanced operation of the virtual machine, or control various parts of Terraform workflow, and should not need to be modified during basic operation of the resource. Only change these options if they are explicitly required, or if you are having trouble with Terraform's default behavior.

  • enable_disk_uuid - (Optional) Expose the UUIDs of attached virtual disks to the virtual machine, allowing access to them in the guest. Default: false.
  • hv_mode - (Optional) The (non-nested) hardware virtualization setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of hvAuto, hvOn, or hvOff. Default: hvAuto.
  • ept_rvi_mode - (Optional) The EPT/RVI (hardware memory virtualization) setting for this virtual machine. Can be one of automatic, on, or off. Default: automatic.
  • nested_hv_enabled - (Optional) Enable nested hardware virtualization on this virtual machine, facilitating nested virtualization in the guest. Default: false.
  • enable_logging - (Optional) Enable logging of virtual machine events to a log file stored in the virtual machine directory. Default: false.
  • cpu_performance_counters_enabled - (Optional) Enable CPU performance counters on this virtual machine. Default: false.
  • swap_placement_policy - (Optional) The swap file placement policy for this virtual machine. Can be one of inherit, hostLocal, or vmDirectory. Default: inherit.
  • latency_sensitivity - (Optional) Controls the scheduling delay of the virtual machine. Use a higher sensitivity for applications that require lower latency, such as VOIP, media player applications, or applications that require frequent access to mouse or keyboard devices. Can be one of low, normal, medium, or high.
  • wait_for_guest_net_timeout - (Optional) The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine. A value less than 1 disables the waiter. Default: 5 minutes.
  • wait_for_guest_net_routable - (Optional) Controls whether or not the guest network waiter waits for a routable address. When false, the waiter does not wait for a default gateway, nor are IP addresses checked against any discovered default gateways as part of its success criteria. Default: true.
  • shutdown_wait_timeout - (Optional) The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a graceful guest shutdown when making necessary updates to the virtual machine. If force_power_off is set to true, the VM will be force powered-off after this timeout, otherwise an error is returned. Default: 3 minutes.
  • migrate_wait_timeout - (Optional) The amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a virtual machine migration to complete before failing. Default: 10 minutes. Also see the section on virtual machine migration.
  • force_power_off - (Optional) If a guest shutdown failed or timed out while updating or destroying (see shutdown_wait_timeout), force the power-off of the virtual machine. Default: true.
  • scsi_controller_count - (Optional) The number of SCSI controllers that Terraform manages on this virtual machine. This directly affects the amount of disks you can add to the virtual machine and the maximum disk unit number. Note that lowering this value does not remove controllers. Default: 1.

Disk options

Virtual disks are managed by adding an instance of the disk sub-resource.

At the very least, there must be name and size attributes. unit_number is required for any disk other than the first, and there must be at least one resource with the implicit number of 0.

An abridged multi-disk example is below:

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  disk {
    label = "disk0"
    size  = "10"

  disk {
    label       = "disk1"
    size        = "100"
    unit_number = 1


The options are:

  • label - (Required) A label for the disk. Forces a new disk if changed.
  • name - (Optional) An alias for both label and path, the latter when using attach. Required if not using label.
  • size - (Required) The size of the disk, in GiB.
  • unit_number - (Optional) The disk number on the SCSI bus. The maximum value for this setting is the value of scsi_controller_count times 15, minus 1 (so 14, 29, 44, and 59, for 1-4 controllers respectively). The default is 0, for which one disk must be set to. Duplicate unit numbers are not allowed.
  • datastore_id - (Optional) A managed object reference ID to the datastore for this virtual disk. The default is to use the datastore of the virtual machine. See the section on virtual machine migration for details on changing this value.
  • attach - (Optional) Attach an external disk instead of creating a new one. Implies and conflicts with keep_on_remove. If set, you cannot set size, eagerly_scrub, or thin_provisioned. Must set path if used.
  • path - (Optional) When using attach, this parameter controls the path of a virtual disk to attach externally. Otherwise, it is a computed attribute that contains the virtual disk's current filename.
  • keep_on_remove - (Optional) Keep this disk when removing the sub-resource or destroying the virtual machine. Default: false.
  • disk_mode - (Optional) The mode of this this virtual disk for purposes of writes and snapshotting. Can be one of append, independent_nonpersistent, independent_persistent, nonpersistent, persistent, or undoable. Default: persistent. For an explanation of options, click here.

  • eagerly_scrub - (Optional) If set to true, the disk space is zeroed out on VM creation. This will delay the creation of the disk or virtual machine. Cannot be set to true when thin_provisioned is true. See the section on picking a disk type. Default: false.

  • thin_provisioned - (Optional) If true, this disk is thin provisioned, with space for the file being allocated on an as-needed basis. Cannot be set to true when eagerly_scrub is true. See the section on picking a disk type. Default: true.

  • disk_sharing - (Optional) The sharing mode of this virtual disk. Can be one of sharingMultiWriter or sharingNone. Default: sharingNone.

  • write_through - (Optional) If true, writes for this disk are sent directly to the filesystem immediately instead of being buffered. Default: false.
  • io_limit - (Optional) The upper limit of IOPS that this disk can use. The default is no limit.
  • io_reservation - (Optional) The I/O reservation (guarantee) that this disk has, in IOPS. The default is no reservation.
  • io_share_level - (Optional) The share allocation level for this disk. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. Default: normal.
  • io_share_count - (Optional) The share count for this disk when the share level is custom.

Computed disk attributes

  • uuid - The UUID of the virtual disk's VMDK file. This is used to track the virtual disk on the virtual machine.

Picking a disk type

The eagerly_scrub and thin_provisioned options control the space allocation type of a virtual disk. These show up in the vSphere console as a unified enumeration of options, the equivalents of which are explained below. The defaults in the sub-resource are the equivalent of thin provisioning.

  • Thick provisioned lazy zeroed: Both eagerly_scrub and thin_provisioned should be set to false.
  • Thick provisioned eager zeroed: eagerly_scrub should be set to true, and thin_provisioned should be set to false.
  • Thin provisioned: eagerly_scrub should be set to false, and thin_provisioned should be set to true.

For the technical details of each virtual disk provisioning policy, click here.

Network interface options

Network interfaces are managed by adding an instance of the network_interface sub-resource.

Interfaces are assigned to devices in the specific order they are declared. This has different implications for different operating systems.

Given the following example:

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.public.id}"

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.private.id}"

The first interface with the public network assigned to it would show up in order before the interface assigned to private. On some Linux systems, this might mean that the first interface would show up as eth0 and the second would show up as eth1.

The options are:

  • network_id - (Required) The managed object reference ID of the network to connect this interface to.
  • adapter_type - (Optional) The network interface type. Can be one of e1000, e1000e, or vmxnet3. Default: vmxnet3.
  • use_static_mac - (Optional) If true, the mac_address field is treated as a static MAC address and set accordingly. Setting this to true requires mac_address to be set. Default: false.
  • mac_address - (Optional) The MAC address of this network interface. Can only be manually set if use_static_mac is true, otherwise this is a computed value that gives the current MAC address of this interface.
  • bandwidth_limit - (Optional) The upper bandwidth limit of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no limit.
  • bandwidth_reservation - (Optional) The bandwidth reservation of this network interface, in Mbits/sec. The default is no reservation.
  • bandwidth_share_level - (Optional) The bandwidth share allocation level for this interface. Can be one of low, normal, high, or custom. Default: normal.
  • bandwidth_share_count - (Optional) The share count for this network interface when the share level is custom.

CDROM options

A single virtual CDROM device can be created and attached to the virtual machine. The resource supports attaching a CDROM from a datastore ISO or using a remote client device.

An example is below:

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  cdrom {
    datastore_id = "${data.vsphere_datastore.iso_datastore.id}"
    path         = "ISOs/os-livecd.iso"

The options are:

  • client_device - (Optional) Indicates whether the device should be backed by remote client device. Conflicts with datastore_id and path.
  • datastore_id - (Optional) The datastore ID that the ISO is located in. Requried for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with client_device.
  • path - (Optional) The path to the ISO file. Requried for using a datastore ISO. Conflicts with client_device.

Virtual device computed options

Virtual device resources (disk, network_interface, and cdrom) all export the following attributes. These options help locate the sub-resource on future Terraform runs. The options are:

  • key - The ID of the device within the virtual machine.
  • device_address - An address internal to Terraform that helps locate the device when key is unavailable. This follows a convention of CONTROLLER_TYPE:BUS_NUMBER:UNIT_NUMBER. Example: scsi:0:1 means device unit 1 on SCSI bus 0.

Creating a Virtual Machine from a Template

The clone sub-resource can be used to create a new virtual machine from an existing virtual machine or template. The resource supports both making a complete copy of a virtual machine, or cloning from a snapshot (otherwise known as a linked clone).

See the cloning and customization example for a usage synopsis.

The options available in the clone sub-resource are:

  • template_uuid - (Required) The UUID of the source virtual machine or template.
  • linked_clone - (Optional) Clone this virtual machine from a snapshot. Templates must have a single snapshot only in order to be eligible. Default: false.
  • timeout - (Optional) The timeout, in minutes, to wait for the virtual machine clone to complete. Default: 30 minutes.
  • customize - (Optional) The customization spec for this clone. This allows the user to configure the virtual machine post-clone. For more details, see virtual machine customization.

Virtual machine customization

As part of the clone operation, a virtual machine can be customized to configure host, network, or licensing settings.

To perform virtual machine customization as a part of the clone process, specify the customize sub-resource within the clone sub-resource with the respective customization options. See the cloning and customization example for a usage synopsis.

The settings for customize are as follows:

Customization timeout settings

  • timeout - (Optional) The time, in minutes that Terraform waits for customization to complete before failing. The default is 10 minutes, and setting the value to 0 or a negative value disables the waiter altogether.

Network interface settings

The following settings should be in a network_interface block in the customize sub-resource. These settings configure network interfaces on a per-interface basis and are matched up to network_interface sub-resources in the main block in the order they are declared.

Given the following example:

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.public.id}"

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.private.id}"

  clone {

    customize {

      network_interface {
        ipv4_address = ""
        ipv4_netmask = 24

      network_interface {
        ipv4_address = ""
        ipv4_netmask = 24

      ipv4_gateway = ""

The first set of network_interface data would be assigned to the public interface, and the second to the private interface.

To use DHCP, declare an empty network_interface block for each interface being configured. So the above example would look like:

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.public.id}"

  network_interface {
    network_id   = "${data.vsphere_network.private.id}"

  clone {

    customize {

      network_interface {}

      network_interface {}

The options are:

  • dns_server_list - (Optional) Network interface-specific DNS server settings for Windows operating systems. Ignored on Linux and possibly other opearating systems - for those systems, please see the global DNS settings section.
  • dns_domain - (Optional) Network interface-specific DNS search domain for Windows operating systems. Ignored on Linux and possibly other opearating systems - for those systems, please see the global DNS settings section.
  • ipv4_address - (Optional) The IPv4 address assigned to this network adapter. If left blank or not included, DHCP is used.
  • ipv4_netmask The IPv4 subnet mask, in bits (example: 24 for
  • ipv6_address - (Optional) The IPv6 address assigned to this network adapter. If left blank or not included, auto-configuration is used.
  • ipv6_netmask - (Optional) The IPv6 subnet mask, in bits (example: 32).

Global routing settings

VM customization under the vsphere_virtual_machine resource does not take a per-interface gateway setting, but rather default routes are configured on a global basis. For an example, see the network interface settings section.

The settings here must match the IP/mask of at least one network_interface supplied to customization.

The options are:

  • ipv4_gateway - (Optional) The IPv4 default gateway when using network_interface customization on the virtual machine.
  • ipv6_gateway - (Optional) The IPv6 default gateway when using network_interface customization on the virtual machine.

Global DNS settings

The following settings configure DNS globally, generally for Linux systems. For Windows systems, this is done per-interface, see network interface settings.

  • dns_server_list - The list of DNS servers to configure on a virtual machine.
  • dns_suffix_list - A list of DNS search domains to add to the DNS configuration on the virtual machine.

Linux customization options

The settings in the linux_options sub-resource pertain to Linux guest OS customization. If you are customizing a Linux operating system, this section must be included.


resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  clone {

    customize {

      linux_options {
        host_name = "terraform-test"
        domain    = "test.internal"

The options are:

  • host_name - (Required) The host name for this machine. This, along with domain, make up the FQDN of this virtual machine.
  • domain - (Required) The domain name for this machine. This, along with host_name, make up the FQDN of this virtual machine.
  • hw_clock_utc - (Optional) Tells the operating system that the hardware clock is set to UTC. Default: true.
  • time_zone - (Optional) Sets the time zone. For a list of possible combinations, click here. The default is UTC.

Windows customization options

The settings in the windows_options sub-resource pertain to Windows guest OS customization. If you are customizing a Windows operating system, this section must be included.


resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  clone {

    customize {

      windows_options {
        computer_name  = "terraform-test"
        workgroup      = "test"
        admin_password = "VMw4re"

The options are:

  • computer_name - (Required) The computer name of this virtual machine.
  • admin_password - (Optional) The administrator password for this virtual machine.
  • workgroup - (Optional) The workgroup name for this virtual machine. One of this or join_domain must be included.
  • join_domain - (Optional) The domain to join for this virtual machine. One of this or workgroup must be included.
  • domain_admin_user - (Optional) The user of the domain administrator used to join this virtual machine to the domain. Required if you are setting join_domain.
  • domain_admin_password - (Optional) The password of the domain administrator used to join this virtual machine to the domain. Required if you are setting join_domain.
  • full_name - (Optional) The full name of the user of this virtual machine. This populates the "user" field in the general Windows system information. Default: Administrator.
  • organization_name - (Optional) The organization name this virtual machine is being installed for. This populates the "organization" field in the general Windows system information. Default: Managed by Terraform.
  • product_key - (Optional) The product key for this virtual machine. The default is no key.
  • run_once_command_list - (Optional) A list of commands to run at first user logon, after guest customization.
  • auto_logon - (Optional) Specifies whether or not the VM automatically logs on as Administrator. Default: false.
  • auto_logon_count - (Optional) Specifies how many times the VM should auto-logon the Administrator account when auto_logon is true. This should be set accordingly to ensure that all of your commands that run in run_once_command_list can log in to run. Default: 1.
  • time_zone - (Optional) The new time zone for the virtual machine. This is a numeric, sysprep-dictated, timezone code. For a list of codes, click here. The default is 85 (GMT/UTC).

Supplying your own SysPrep file

Alternative to the windows_options supplied above, you can instead supply your own sysprep.inf file contents via the windows_sysprep_text option. This allows full control of the customization process out-of-band of vSphere. Example below:

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  clone {

    customize {

      windows_sysprep_text = "${file("${path.module}/sysprep.inf")}"

Note this option is mutually exclusive to windows_options - one must not be included if the other is specified.

Using vApp properties to supply OVF/OVA configuration

Alternative to the settings in customize, one can use the settings in the properties section of the vapp sub-resource to supply configuration parameters to a virtual machine cloned from a template that came from an imported OVF or OVA file. Both GuestInfo and ISO transport methods are supported. For templates that use ISO transport, a CDROM backed by client device is required. See CDROM options for details.

The configuration looks similar to the one below:

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  clone {
    template_uuid = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template_from_ovf.id}"

  vapp {
    properties {
      "guestinfo.hostname"                        = "${var.vm_name}.foobar.local"
      "guestinfo.interface.0.name"                = "ens192"
      "guestinfo.interface.0.ip.0.address"        = ""
      "guestinfo.interface.0.route.0.gateway"     = ""
      "guestinfo.interface.0.route.0.destination" = ""
      "guestinfo.dns.server.0"                    = ""

Additional requirements and notes for cloning

Note that when cloning from a template, there are additional requirements in both the resource configuration and source template:

  • All disks on the virtual machine must be SCSI disks.
  • You must specify at least the same number of disk sub-resources as there are disks that exist in the template. These sub-resources are ordered and lined up by the unit_number attribute. Additional disks can be added past this.
  • The size of a virtual disk must be at least the same size as its counterpart disk in the template.
  • When using linked_clone, the size, thin_provisioned, and eagerly_scrub settings for each disk must be an exact match to the individual disk's counterpart in the source template.
  • The scsi_controller_count setting should be configured as necessary to cover all of the disks on the template. For best results, only configure this setting for the amount of controllers you will need to cover your disk quantity and bandwidth needs, and configure your template accordingly. For most workloads, this setting should be kept at its default of 1, and all disks in the template should reside on the single, primary controller.
  • Some operating systems (such as Windows) do not respond well to a change in disk controller type, so when using such OSes, take care to ensure that scsi_type is set to an exact match of the template's controller set. For maximum compatibility, make sure the SCSI controllers on the source template are all the same type.

To ease the gathering of some of these options, you can use the vsphere_virtual_machine data source, which will give you disk attributes, network interface types, SCSI bus types, and also the guest ID of the source template. See the cloning and customization example for usage details.

Virtual Machine Migration

The vsphere_virtual_machine resource supports live migration (otherwise known as vMotion) both on the host and storage level. One can migrate the entire VM to another host, cluster, resource pool, or datastore, and migrate or pin a single disk to a specific datastore.

Host, cluster, and resource pool migration

To migrate the virtual machine to another host or resource pool, change the host_system_id or resource_pool_id to the manged object IDs of the new host or resource pool accordingly. To change the virtual machine's cluster or standalone host, select a resource pool within the specific target.

The same rules apply for migration as they do for VM creation - any host specified needs to be a part of the resource pool supplied. Also keep in mind the implications of moving the virtual machine to a resource pool in another cluster or standalone host, namely ensuring that all hosts in the cluster (or the single standalone host) have access to the datastore that the virtual machine is in.

Storage migration

Storage migration can be done on two levels:

  • Global datastore migration can be handled by changing the global datastore_id attribute. This triggers a storage migration for all disks that do not have an explicit datastore_id specified.
  • When using Storage DRS through the datastore_cluster_id attribute, the entire virtual machine can be migrated from one datastore cluster to another by changing the value of this setting. In addition, when datastore_cluster_id is in use, any disks that drift to datastores outside of the datastore cluster via such actions as manual modification will be migrated back to the datastore cluster on the next apply.
  • An individual disk sub-resource can be migrated by manually specifying the datastore_id in its sub-resource. This also pins it to the specific datastore that is specified - if at a later time the VM and any unpinned disks migrate to another host, the disk will stay on the specified datastore.

An example of datastore pinning is below. As long as the datastore in the pinned_datastore data source does not change, any change to the standard vm_datastore data source will not affect the data disk - the disk will stay where it is.

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {

  datastore_id     = "${data.vsphere_datastore.vm_datastore.id}"

  disk {
    label = "disk0"
    size  = 10

  disk {
    datastore_id = "${data.vsphere_datastore.pinned_datastore.id}"
    label        = "disk1"
    size         = 100
    unit_number  = 1


Storage migration restrictions

Note that you cannot migrate external disks added with the attach parameter. As these disks have usually been created and assigned to a datastore outside of the scope of the vsphere_virtual_machine resource in question, such as by using the vsphere_virtual_disk resource, management of such disks would render their configuration unstable.

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported on the base level of this resource:

  • id - The UUID of the virtual machine.
  • reboot_required - Value internal to Terraform used to determine if a configuration set change requires a reboot. This value is only useful during an update process and gets reset on refresh.
  • vmware_tools_status - The state of VMware tools in the guest. This will determine the proper course of action for some device operations.
  • vmx_path - The path of the virtual machine's configuration file in the VM's datastore.
  • imported - This is flagged if the virtual machine has been imported, or the state has been migrated from a previous version of the resource. It influences the behavior of the first post-import apply operation. See the section on importing below.
  • change_version - A unique identifier for a given version of the last configuration applied, such the timestamp of the last update to the configuration.
  • uuid - The UUID of the virtual machine. Also exposed as the id of the resource.
  • default_ip_address - The IP address selected by Terraform to be used with any provisioners configured on this resource. Whenever possible, this is the first IPv4 address that is reachable through the default gateway configured on the machine, then the first reachable IPv6 address, and then the first general discovered address if neither exist. If VMware tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the VM is powered off, this value will be blank.
  • guest_ip_addresses - The current list of IP addresses on this machine, including the value of default_ip_address. If VMware tools is not running on the virtual machine, or if the VM is powered off, this list will be empty.
  • moid: The managed object reference ID of the created virtual machine.
  • vapp_transport - Computed value which is only valid for cloned virtual machines. A list of vApp transport methods supported by the source virtual machine or template.


An existing virtual machine can be imported into this resource via supplying the full path to the virtual machine. An example is below:

terraform import vsphere_virtual_machine.vm /dc1/vm/srv1

The above would import the virtual machine named srv1 that is located in the dc1 datacenter.

Additional requirements and notes for importing

Many of the same requirements for cloning apply to importing, although since importing writes directly to state, a lot of these rules cannot be enforced at import time, so every effort should be made to ensure the correctness of the configuration before the import.

In addition to these rules, the following extra rules apply to importing:

  • Disks need to have their label argument assigned in a convention matching diskN, starting with disk number 0, based on each disk's order on the SCSI bus. As an example, a disk on SCSI controller 0 with a unit number of 0 would be labeled disk0, a disk on the same controller with a unit number of 1 would be disk1, but the next disk, which is on SCSI controller 1 with a unit number of 0, still becomes disk2.
  • Disks always get imported with keep_on_remove enabled until the first terraform apply runs, which will remove the setting for known disks. This is an extra safeguard against naming or accounting mistakes in the disk configuration.
  • The scsi_controller_count for the resource is set to the number of contiguous SCSI controllers found, starting with the SCSI controller at bus number 0. If no SCSI controllers are found, the VM is not eligible for import. To ensure maximum compatibility, make sure your virtual machine has the exact number of SCSI controllers it needs, and set scsi_controller_count accordingly.

After importing, you should run terraform plan. Unless you have changed anything else in configuration that would be causing other attributes to change, the only difference should be configuration-only changes, usually comprising of:

  • The imported flag will transition from true to false.
  • keep_on_remove of known disks will transition from true to false.
  • Configuration for the clone sub-resource block, if supplied, will be persisted to state. This initial persistence operation does not perform any cloning or customization actions, nor does it force a new resource. After the first apply operation, further changes to clone will force a new resource as per normal operation.

These changes only update Terraform state when applied, hence it is safe to run when the virtual machine is running. If more settings are being modified, you may need to plan maintenance accordingly for any necessary re-configuration of the virtual machine.

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Licensed under the MPL 2.0 License.