
Registers a custom domain name for use with AWS API Gateway.

This resource just establishes ownership of and the TLS settings for a particular domain name. An API can be attached to a particular path under the registered domain name using the aws_api_gateway_base_path_mapping resource.

API Gateway domains can be defined as either 'edge-optimized' or 'regional'. In an edge-optimized configuration, API Gateway internally creates and manages a CloudFront distribution to route requests on the given hostname. In addition to this resource it's necessary to create a DNS record corresponding to the given domain name which is an alias (either Route53 alias or traditional CNAME) to the Cloudfront domain name exported in the cloudfront_domain_name attribute.

In a regional configuration, API Gateway does not create a CloudFront distribution to route requests to the API, though a distribution can be created if needed. In either case, it is necessary to create a DNS record corresponding to the given domain name which is an alias (either Route53 alias or traditional CNAME) to the regional domain name exported in the regional_domain_name attribute.

Example Usage

resource "aws_api_gateway_domain_name" "example" {
  domain_name = ""

  certificate_name        = "example-api"
  certificate_body        = "${file("${path.module}/")}"
  certificate_chain       = "${file("${path.module}/")}"
  certificate_private_key = "${file("${path.module}/")}"

# Example DNS record using Route53.
# Route53 is not specifically required; any DNS host can be used.
resource "aws_route53_record" "example" {
  zone_id = "${}" # See aws_route53_zone for how to create this

  name = "${aws_api_gateway_domain_name.example.domain_name}"
  type = "A"

  alias {
    name                   = "${aws_api_gateway_domain_name.example.cloudfront_domain_name}"
    zone_id                = "${aws_api_gateway_domain_name.example.cloudfront_zone_id}"
    evaluate_target_health = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • domain_name - (Required) The fully-qualified domain name to register
  • certificate_name - (Optional) The unique name to use when registering this certificate as an IAM server certificate. Conflicts with certificate_arn, regional_certificate_arn, and regional_certificate_name. Required if certificate_arn is not set.
  • certificate_body - (Optional) The certificate issued for the domain name being registered, in PEM format. Only valid for EDGE endpoint configuration type. Conflicts with certificate_arn, regional_certificate_arn, and regional_certificate_name.
  • certificate_chain - (Optional) The certificate for the CA that issued the certificate, along with any intermediate CA certificates required to create an unbroken chain to a certificate trusted by the intended API clients. Only valid for EDGE endpoint configuration type. Conflicts with certificate_arn, regional_certificate_arn, and regional_certificate_name.
  • certificate_private_key - (Optional) The private key associated with the domain certificate given in certificate_body. Only valid for EDGE endpoint configuration type. Conflicts with certificate_arn, regional_certificate_arn, and regional_certificate_name.
  • certificate_arn - (Optional) The ARN for an AWS-managed certificate. Used when an edge-optimized domain name is desired. Conflicts with certificate_name, certificate_body, certificate_chain, certificate_private_key, regional_certificate_arn, and regional_certificate_name.
  • endpoint_configuration - (Optional) Nested argument defining API endpoint configuration including endpoint type. Defined below.
  • regional_certificate_arn - (Optional) The ARN for an AWS-managed certificate. Used when a regional domain name is desired. Conflicts with certificate_arn, certificate_name, certificate_body, certificate_chain, and certificate_private_key.
  • regional_certificate_name - (Optional) The user-friendly name of the certificate that will be used by regional endpoint for this domain name. Conflicts with certificate_arn, certificate_name, certificate_body, certificate_chain, and certificate_private_key.


  • types - (Required) A list of endpoint types. This resource currently only supports managing a single value. Valid values: EDGE or REGIONAL. If unspecified, defaults to EDGE. Must be declared as REGIONAL in non-Commercial partitions. Refer to the documentation for more information on the difference between edge-optimized and regional APIs.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The internal id assigned to this domain name by API Gateway.
  • certificate_upload_date - The upload date associated with the domain certificate.
  • cloudfront_domain_name - The hostname created by Cloudfront to represent the distribution that implements this domain name mapping.
  • cloudfront_zone_id - For convenience, the hosted zone ID (Z2FDTNDATAQYW2) that can be used to create a Route53 alias record for the distribution.
  • regional_domain_name - The hostname for the custom domain's regional endpoint.
  • regional_zone_id - The hosted zone ID that can be used to create a Route53 alias record for the regional endpoint.

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