Terraform Community

Terraform is a mature project with a growing community. There are active, dedicated people willing to help you through various mediums.

Stack Exchange: Terraform questions often get asked and answered on Server Fault and Stack Overflow. Use the tag "terraform" to help your question be found by Terraform experts, and please be respectful of the "How to Ask" guidelines in each community.

Mailing list: Terraform Google Group

Gitter: Terraform Gitter Room

IRC: Use the Gitter IRC bridge

Bug Trackers:

  • Terraform Core Issue tracker on GitHub. Please only use this for reporting bugs. Do not ask for general help here; use a Stack Exchange community, Gitter chat, or the mailing list for that.

  • Terraform Providers distributed by HashiCorp are part of the terraform-providers GitHub Organization. Each Provider is a separate GitHub project with their own issue trackers.

Training: Paid HashiCorp training courses are also available in a city near you. Private training courses are also available.

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Licensed under the MPL 2.0 License.