
This resource allows you to create and manage GitLab groups. Note your provider will need to be configured with admin-level access for this resource to work.

Example Usage

resource "gitlab_group" "example" {
  name        = "example"
  path        = "example"
  description = "An example group"

// Create a project in the example group
resource "gitlab_project" "example" {
  name         = "example"
  description  = "An example project"
  namespace_id = "${}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of this group.

  • path - (Required) The url of the hook to invoke.

  • description - (Optional) The description of the group.

  • lfs_enabled - (Optional) Boolean, defaults to true. Whether to enable LFS support for projects in this group.

  • request_access_enabled - (Optional) Boolean, defaults to false. Whether to enable users to request access to the group.

  • visibility_level - (Optional) Set to public to create a public group. Valid values are private, internal, public. Groups are created as private by default.

  • parent_id - (Optional) Integer, id of the parent group (creates a nested group).

Attributes Reference

The resource exports the following attributes:

  • id - The unique id assigned to the group by the GitLab server. Serves as a namespace id where one is needed.

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