
The Zones data source allows access to the list of Alicloud Zones which can be accessed by an Alicloud account within the region configured in the provider.

Example Usage

# Declare the data source
data "alicloud_zones" "default" {
    "available_instance_type"= "ecs.n4.large"
    "available_disk_category"= "cloud_ssd"

# Create ecs instance with the first matched zone

resource "alicloud_instance" "instance" {
  availability_zone = "${}"

  # Other properties...

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • available_instance_type - (Optional) Limit search to specific instance type.
  • available_resource_creation - (Optional) Limit search to specific resource type. The following values are allowed Instance, Disk, VSwitch and Rds.
  • available_disk_category - (Optional) Limit search to specific disk category. Can be either cloud, cloud_efficiency, cloud_ssd.
  • multi - (Optional) Whether to retrieve multiple availability. Default to false. Multiple zone usually is used to launch RDS.
  • instance_charge_type - (Optional) According to ECS instance charge type to filter all availability zones. Valid values: PrePaid and PostPaid. Default to PostPaid.
  • network_type - (Optional) According to network type to filter all availability zones. Valid values: Classic and Vpc.
  • spot_strategy - - (Optional) According to ECS spot type to filter all availability zones. Valid values: NoSpot, SpotWithPriceLimit and SpotAsPriceGo. Default to NoSpot.
  • output_file - (Optional) The name of file that can save zones data source after running terraform plan.

Attributes Reference

A list of zones will be exported and its every element contains the following attributes:

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