
Manages a policy for all of the resource groups under the subscription.

Example Usage

resource "azurerm_policy_definition" "policy" {
  name         = "accTestPolicy"
  policy_type  = "BuiltIn"
  mode         = "Indexed"
  display_name = "acceptance test policy definition"
  policy_rule  = <<POLICY_RULE
    "if": {
      "not": {
        "field": "location",
        "in": "[parameters('allowedLocations')]"
    "then": {
      "effect": "audit"

  parameters = <<PARAMETERS
    "allowedLocations": {
      "type": "Array",
      "metadata": {
        "description": "The list of allowed locations for resources.",
        "displayName": "Allowed locations",
        "strongType": "location"


Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the policy definition. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

  • policy_type - (Required) The policy type. The value can be "BuiltIn", "Custom" or "NotSpecified". Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

  • mode - (Required) The policy mode that allows you to specify which resource types will be evaluated. The value can be "All", "Indexed" or "NotSpecified". Changing this resource forces a new resource to be created.

  • display_name - (Required) The display name of the policy definition.

  • description - (Optional) The description of the policy definition.

  • policy_rule - (Optional) The policy rule for the policy definition. This is a json object representing the rule that contains an if and a then block.

  • metadata - (Optional) The metadata for the policy definition. This is a json object representing the rule that contains an if and a then block.

  • parameters - (Optional) Parameters for the policy definition. This field is a json object that allows you to parameterize your policy definition.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The policy definition id.


Policy Definitions can be imported using the policy name, e.g.

terraform import azurerm_policy_definition.testPolicy  /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/<POLICY_NAME>

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