Creates a Google Spanner Database within a Spanner Instance. For more information, see the official documentation, or the JSON API.
Example Usage
Example creating a Spanner database.
resource "google_spanner_instance" "main" { config = "regional-europe-west1" display_name = "main-instance" } resource "google_spanner_database" "db" { instance = "${}" name = "main-instance" ddl = [ "CREATE TABLE t1 (t1 INT64 NOT NULL,) PRIMARY KEY(t1)", "CREATE TABLE t2 (t2 INT64 NOT NULL,) PRIMARY KEY(t2)" ] }
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The name of the instance that will serve the new database. -
- (Required) The name of the database.
- (Optional) The ID of the project in which to look for theinstance
specified. If it is not provided, the provider project is used. -
- (Optional) An optional list of DDL statements to run inside the newly created database. Statements can create tables, indexes, etc. These statements execute atomically with the creation of the database: if there is an error in any statement, the database is not created.
Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:
- The current state of the database.
Databases can be imported via their instance
and name
values, and optionally the project
in which the instance is defined (Often used when the project is different to that defined in the provider). The format is thus either {instanceName}/{dbName}
or {projectId}/{instanceName}/{dbName}
. e.g.
$ terraform import google_spanner_database.db1 instance456/db789 $ terraform import google_spanner_database.db1 project123/instance456/db789
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