
Provides a Packet device resource. This can be used to create, modify, and delete devices.

Example Usage

# Create a device and add it to cool_project
resource "packet_device" "web1" {
  hostname         = "tf.coreos2"
  plan             = "baremetal_1"
  facility         = "ewr1"
  operating_system = "coreos_stable"
  billing_cycle    = "hourly"
  project_id       = "${}"
# Same as above, but boot via iPXE initially, using the Ignition Provider for provisioning
resource "packet_device" "pxe1" {
  hostname         = "tf.coreos2-pxe"
  plan             = "baremetal_1"
  facility         = "ewr1"
  operating_system = "custom_ipxe"
  billing_cycle    = "hourly"
  project_id       = "${}"
  ipxe_script_url  = ""
  always_pxe       = "false"
  user_data        = "${data.ignition_config.example.rendered}"
# Deploy device on next-available reserved hardware and do custom partitioning.
resource "packet_device" "web1" {
  hostname         = "tftest"
  plan             = "baremetal_0"
  facility         = "sjc1"
  operating_system = "ubuntu_16_04"
  billing_cycle    = "hourly"
  project_id       = "${}"
  hardware_reservation_id = "next-available"
  storage = <<EOS
  "disks": [
      "device": "/dev/sda",
      "wipeTable": true,
      "partitions": [
          "label": "BIOS",
          "number": 1,
          "size": 4096
          "label": "SWAP",
          "number": 2,
          "size": "3993600"
          "label": "ROOT",
          "number": 3,
          "size": 0
  "filesystems": [
      "mount": {
        "device": "/dev/sda3",
        "format": "ext4",
        "point": "/",
        "create": {
          "options": [
      "mount": {
        "device": "/dev/sda2",
        "format": "swap",
        "point": "none",
        "create": {
          "options": [

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • hostname - (Required) The device name
  • project_id - (Required) The id of the project in which to create the device
  • operating_system - (Required) The operating system slug
  • facility - (Required) The facility in which to create the device
  • plan - (Required) The hardware config slug
  • billing_cycle - (Required) monthly or hourly
  • user_data (Optional) - A string of the desired User Data for the device.
  • public_ipv4_subnet_size (Optional) - Size of allocated subnet, more information is in the Custom Subnet Size doc.
  • ipxe_script_url (Optional) - URL pointing to a hosted iPXE script. More information is in the Custom iPXE doc.
  • always_pxe (Optional) - If true, a device with OS custom_ipxe will continue to boot via iPXE on reboots.
  • hardware_reservation_id (Optional) - The id of hardware reservation where you want this device deployed, or next-available if you want to pick your next available reservation automatically.
  • storage (Optional) - JSON for custom partitioning. Only usable on reserved hardware. More information in in the Custom Partitioning and RAID doc.
  • tags - Tags attached to the device
  • description - Description string for the device

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the device
  • hostname- The hostname of the device
  • project_id- The ID of the project the device belongs to
  • facility - The facility the device is in
  • plan - The hardware config of the device
  • network - The device's private and public IP (v4 and v6) network details
  • access_public_ipv6 - The ipv6 maintenance IP assigned to the device
  • access_public_ipv4 - The ipv4 maintenance IP assigned to the device
  • access_private_ipv4 - The ipv4 private IP assigned to the device
  • locked - Whether the device is locked
  • billing_cycle - The billing cycle of the device (monthly or hourly)
  • operating_system - The operating system running on the device
  • state - The status of the device
  • created - The timestamp for when the device was created
  • updated - The timestamp for the last time the device was updated
  • tags - Tags attached to the device
  • description - Description string for the device
  • hardware_reservation_id - The id of hardware reservation which this device occupies
  • root_password - Root password to the server (disabled after 24 hours)

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