
Manages groups and group privileges on ProfitBricks.

Example Usage

resource "profitbricks_group" "group" {
  name = "my group"
  create_datacenter = true
  create_snapshot = true
  reserve_ip = true
  access_activity_log = false

Argument reference

  • access_activity_log - (Required) [Boolean] The group will be allowed to access the activity log.
  • create_datacenter - (Optional) [Boolean] The group will be allowed to create virtual data centers.
  • create_snapshot - (Optional) [Boolean] The group will be allowed to create snapshots.
  • name - (Optional) [string] A name for the group.
  • reserve_ip - (Optional) [Boolean] The group will be allowed to reserve IP addresses.
  • user_id - (Optional) [string] The ID of the specific user to add to the group.

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