
Provides a resource to manage a GuardDuty member.

Example Usage

resource "aws_guardduty_detector" "master" {
  enable = true

resource "aws_guardduty_detector" "member" {
  provider = ""

  enable = true

resource "aws_guardduty_member" "member" {
  account_id         = "${aws_guardduty_detector.member.account_id}"
  detector_id        = "${}"
  email              = "[email protected]"
  invite             = true
  invitation_message = "please accept guardduty invitation"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • account_id - (Required) AWS account ID for member account.
  • detector_id - (Required) The detector ID of the GuardDuty account where you want to create member accounts.
  • email - (Required) Email address for member account.
  • invite - (Optional) Boolean whether to invite the account to GuardDuty as a member. Defaults to false. To detect if an invitation needs to be (re-)sent, the Terraform state value is true based on a relationship_status of Disabled, Enabled, Invited, or EmailVerificationInProgress.
  • invitation_message - (Optional) Message for invitation.
  • disable_email_notification - (Optional) Boolean whether an email notification is sent to the accounts. Defaults to false.


aws_guardduty_member provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - (Default 60s) How long to wait for a verification to be done against inviting GuardDuty member account.
  • update - (Default 60s) How long to wait for a verification to be done against inviting GuardDuty member account.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


GuardDuty members can be imported using the the master GuardDuty detector ID and member AWS account ID, e.g.

$ terraform import aws_guardduty_member.MyMember 00b00fd5aecc0ab60a708659477e9617:123456789012

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