Provides an Alicloud EIP Association resource for associating Elastic IP to ECS Instance, SLB Instance or Nat Gateway.
is useful in scenarios where EIPs are either pre-existing or distributed to customers or users and therefore cannot be changed.
NOTE: From version 1.7.1, the resource support to associate EIP to SLB Instance or Nat Gateway.
NOTE: One EIP can only be associated with ECS or SLB instance which in the VPC.
Example Usage
# Create a new EIP association and use it to associate a EIP form a instance. resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc" { cidr_block = "" } resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vsw" { vpc_id = "${}" cidr_block = "" availability_zone = "cn-beijing-a" depends_on = [ "alicloud_vpc.vpc", ] } resource "alicloud_instance" "ecs_instance" { image_id = "ubuntu_140405_64_40G_cloudinit_20161115.vhd" instance_type = "ecs.n4.small" availability_zone = "cn-beijing-a" security_groups = ["${}"] vswitch_id = "${}" instance_name = "hello" instance_network_type = "vpc" tags { Name = "TerraformTest-instance" } } resource "alicloud_eip" "eip" {} resource "alicloud_eip_association" "eip_asso" { allocation_id = "${}" instance_id = "${}" } resource "alicloud_security_group" "group" { name = "terraform-test-group" description = "New security group" vpc_id = "${}" }
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional, Forces new resource) The allocation EIP ID. -
- (Optional, Forces new resource) The ID of the ECS or SLB instance or Nat Gateway.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- As above. -
- As above.
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