
Provides an UltraDNS ping probe

Example Usage

resource "ultradns_probe_ping" "probe" {
  zone        = "${ultradns_tcpool.pool.zone}"
  name        = "${ultradns_tcpool.pool.name}"
  pool_record = ""

  agents = ["DALLAS", "AMSTERDAM"]

  interval  = "ONE_MINUTE"
  threshold = 1

  ping_probe {
    packets     = 15
    packet_size = 56

    limit {
      name     = "lossPercent"
      warning  = 1
      critical = 2
      fail     = 3

    limit {
      name     = "total"
      warning  = 2
      critical = 3
      fail     = 4

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • zone - (Required) The domain of the pool to probe.
  • name - (Required) The name of the pool to probe.
  • pool_record - (optional) IP address or domain. If provided, a record-level probe is created, otherwise a pool-level probe is created.
  • agents - (Required) List of locations that will be used for probing. One or more values must be specified. Valid values are "NEW_YORK", "PALO_ALTO", "DALLAS" & "AMSTERDAM".
  • threshold - (Required) Number of agents that must agree for a probe state to be changed.
  • ping_probe - (Required) a Ping Probe block.
  • interval - (Optional) Length of time between probes in minutes. Valid values are "HALF_MINUTE", "ONE_MINUTE", "TWO_MINUTES", "FIVE_MINUTES", "TEN_MINUTES" & "FIFTEEN_MINUTE". Default: "FIVE_MINUTES".

Ping Probe block - packets - (Optional) Number of ICMP packets to send. Default 3. - packet_size - (Optional) Size of packets in bytes. Default 56. - limit - (Required) One or more Limit blocks. Only one limit block may exist for each name.

Limit block - name - (Required) Kind of limit. Valid values are "lossPercent", "total", "average", "run" & "avgRun". - warning - (Optional) Amount to trigger a warning. - critical - (Optional) Amount to trigger a critical. - fail - (Optional) Amount to trigger a failure.

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