
Example Usage

resource "newrelic_dashboard" "exampledash" {
  title = "New Relic Terraform Example"

  widget {
    title         = "Average Transaction Duration"
    row           = 1
    column        = 1
    width         = 2
    visualization = "faceted_line_chart"
    nrql          = "SELECT AVERAGE(duration) from Transaction FACET appName TIMESERIES auto"

  widget {
    title         = "Page Views"
    row           = 1
    column        = 3
    visualization = "billboard"
    nrql          = "SELECT count(*) FROM PageView SINCE 1 week ago"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • title - (Required) The title of the dashboard.
  • icon - (Optional) The icon for the dashboard. Defaults to bar-chart.
  • visibility - (Optional) Who can see the dashboard in an account. Must be owner or all. Defaults to all.
  • widget - (Optional) A widget that describes a visualization. See Widgets below for details.
  • editable - (Optional) Who can edit the dashboard in an account. Must be read_only, editable_by_owner, editable_by_all, or all. Defaults to editable_by_all.


The widget mapping supports the following arguments:

  • title - (Required) A title for the widget.
  • visualization - (Required) How the widget visualizes data.
  • row - (Required) Row position of widget from top left, starting at 1.
  • column - (Required) Column position of widget from top left, starting at 1.
  • width - (Optional) Width of the widget. Defaults to 1.
  • height - (Optional) Height of the widget. Defaults to 1.
  • notes - (Optional) Description of the widget.
  • nrql - (Optional) Valid NRQL query string. See Writing NRQL Queries for help.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the dashboard.

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