
Use this datasource to get the ID of an available device group.

Example Usage

# Look up a LogicMonitor device group id
data "logicmonitor_device_group" "devicegroups" {
  filters {
    "property" = "name"
    "operator" = ":"
    "value" = "Production"

  filters {
    "custom_property_name" = "app.user"
    "operator" = ":"
    "custom_property_value" = "api"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Nested filters blocks

Nested filters blocks have the following structure: property{operator}value * property - (Required if using filters) The name of filtered property. * operator - (Required if using filters) The type of operator. * value - (Required if using filters) The value of the filtered property.

You can also do custom properties * custom_property_name - (Required if using filters and custom properties) The name of filtered custom property. * operator - (Required if using filters) The type of operator. * custom_property_value - (Required if using filters and custom properties) The value of the filtered custom property.

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