
Example Usage

resource "newrelic_alert_policy" "foo" {
  name = "foo"

resource "newrelic_infra_alert_condition" "foo" {
  policy_id = "${}"

  name       = "High disk usage"
  type       = "infra_metric"
  event      = "StorageSample"
  select     = "diskUsedPercent"
  comparison = "above"
  where      = "(`hostname` LIKE '%frontend%')"

  critical {
    duration      = 25
    value         = 90
    time_function = "all"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • policy_id - (Required) The ID of the alert policy where this condition should be used.
  • name - (Required) The Infrastructure alert condition's name.
  • enabled - (Optional) Set whether to enable the alert condition. Defaults to true.
  • type - (Required) The type of Infrastructure alert condition: "infra_process_running", "infra_metric", or "infra_host_not_reporting".
  • event - (Required) The metric event; for example, system metrics, process metrics, storage metrics, or network metrics.
  • select - (Required) The attribute name to identify the type of metric condition; for example, "network", "process", "system", or "storage".
  • comparison - (Required) The operator used to evaluate the threshold value; "above", "below", "equal".
  • critical - (Required) Identifies the critical threshold parameters for triggering an alert notification. See Thresholds below for details.
  • warning - (Optional) Identifies the warning threshold parameters. See Thresholds below for details.
  • where - (Optional) Infrastructure host filter for the alert condition.
  • process_where - (Optional) Any filters applied to processes; for example: "commandName = 'java'".


The critical and warning threshold mapping supports the following arguments:

  • duration - (Required) Identifies the number of minutes the threshold must be passed or met for the alert to trigger. Threshold durations must be between 1 and 60 minutes (inclusive).
  • value - (Optional) Threshold value, computed against the comparison operator. Supported by "infra_metric" and "infra_process_running" alert condition types.
  • time_function - (Optional) Indicates if the condition needs to be sustained or to just break the threshold once; all or any. Supported by the "infra_metric" alert condition type.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the Infrastructure alert condition.

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