
Provide acces to a Backend Service's attribute. For more information see the official documentation and the API.

Example Usage

data "google_compute_backend_service" "baz" {
  name = "foobar"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the Backend Service.
  • project - (Optional) The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following attributes are exported:

  • connection_draining_timeout_sec - Time for which instance will be drained (not accept new connections, but still work to finish started ones).

  • description - Textual description for the Backend Service.

  • enable_cdn - Whether or not Cloud CDN is enabled on the Backend Service.

  • fingerprint - The fingerprint of the Backend Service.

  • port_name - The name of a service that has been added to an instance group in this backend.

  • protocol - The protocol for incoming requests.

  • self_link - The URI of the Backend Service.

  • session_affinity - The Backend Service session stickyness configuration.

  • timeout_sec - The number of seconds to wait for a backend to respond to a request before considering the request failed.

  • backend - The list of backends that serve this Backend Service.

  • health_checks - The list of HTTP/HTTPS health checks used by the Backend Service.