
The triton_firewall_rule resource represents a rule for the Triton cloud firewall.

Example Usages

Allow web traffic on ports tcp/80 and tcp/443 to machines with the 'www' tag from any source

resource "triton_firewall_rule" "www" {
  description = "Allow web traffic on ports tcp/80 and tcp/443 to machines with the 'www' tag from any source."
  rule        = "FROM any TO tag \"www\" ALLOW tcp (PORT 80 AND PORT 443)"
  enabled     = true

Allow ssh traffic on port tcp/22 to all machines from known remote IPs

resource "triton_firewall_rule" "22" {
  description = "Allow ssh traffic on port tcp/22 to all machines from known remote IPs."
  rule        = "FROM (ip w.x.y.z OR ip w.x.y.z) TO all vms ALLOW tcp PORT 22"
  enabled     = true

Block IMAP traffic on port tcp/143 to all machines

resource "triton_firewall_rule" "imap" {
  description = "Block IMAP traffic on port tcp/143 to all machines."
  rule        = "FROM any TO all vms BLOCK tcp PORT 143"
  enabled     = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • rule - (string, Required) The firewall rule described using the Cloud API rule syntax defined at Note: Cloud API will normalize rules based on case-sensitivity, parentheses, ordering of IP addresses, etc. This can result in Terraform updating rules repeatedly if the rule definition differs from the normalized value.

  • enabled - (boolean, Optional) Default: false Whether the rule should be effective.

  • description - (string, Optional) Description of the firewall rule

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - (string) - The identifier representing the firewall rule in Triton.

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