[Java] Class TypeHelper

  • org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.TypeHelper

This class contains helper methods for converting and comparing types. WARNING: This class is for internal use only. do not use it outside of its package and not outside groovy-core.

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
protected static boolean argumentClassIsParameterClass(Class argumentClass, Class parameterClass)
Realizes an unsharp equal for the class.
protected static Class getWrapperClass(Class c)
Get wrapper class for a given class.
protected static boolean isBigDecCategory(Class x)
protected static boolean isDoubleCategory(Class x)
protected static boolean isIntCategory(Class x)
protected static boolean isLongCategory(Class x)
protected static MethodType replaceWithMoreSpecificType(Object[] args, MethodType callSiteType)
Replaces the types in the callSiteType parameter if more specific types given through the arguments.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

protected static boolean argumentClassIsParameterClass(Class argumentClass, Class parameterClass)

Realizes an unsharp equal for the class. In general we return true if the provided arguments are the same. But we will also return true if our argument class is a wrapper for the parameter class. For example the parameter is an int and the argument class is a wrapper.

protected static Class getWrapperClass(Class c)

Get wrapper class for a given class. If the class is for a primitive number type, then the wrapper class will be returned. If it is no primitive number type, we return the class itself.

protected static boolean isBigDecCategory(Class x)

protected static boolean isDoubleCategory(Class x)

protected static boolean isIntCategory(Class x)

protected static boolean isLongCategory(Class x)

protected static MethodType replaceWithMoreSpecificType(Object[] args, MethodType callSiteType)

Replaces the types in the callSiteType parameter if more specific types given through the arguments. This is in general the case, unless the argument is null.

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