[Java] Annotation Type TupleConstructor

  • groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

Class annotation used to assist in the creation of tuple constructors in classes. Do not use with InheritConstructors.

It allows you to write classes in this shortened form:

 @groovy.transform.TupleConstructor class Customer {
     String first, last
     int age
     Date since
     Collection favItems
 def c1 = new Customer(first:'Tom', last:'Jones', age:21, since:new Date(), favItems:['Books', 'Games'])
 def c2 = new Customer('Tom', 'Jones', 21, new Date(), ['Books', 'Games'])
 def c3 = new Customer('Tom', 'Jones')
The @TupleConstructor annotation instructs the compiler to execute an AST transformation which adds the necessary constructor method to your class.

A tuple constructor is created with a parameter for each property (and optionally field and super properties). A default value is provided (using Java's default values) for all parameters in the constructor. Groovy's normal conventions then allows any number of parameters to be left off the end of the parameter list including all of the parameters - giving a no-arg constructor which can be used with the map-style naming conventions.

The order of parameters is given by the properties of any super classes with most super first (if includeSuperProperties is set) followed by the properties of the class followed by the fields of the class (if includeFields is set). Within each grouping the order is as attributes appear within the respective class.

More examples:

 import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

 class Person {
     String name
     List likes
     private boolean active = false

 def person = new Person('mrhaki', ['Groovy', 'Java'])

 assert person.name == 'mrhaki'
 assert person.likes == ['Groovy', 'Java']

 person = new Person('mrhaki')

 assert person.name == 'mrhaki'
 assert !person.likes
 // includeFields in the constructor creation.
 import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

 class Person {
     String name
     List likes
     private boolean active = false

     boolean isActivated() { active }

 def person = new Person('mrhaki', ['Groovy', 'Java'], true)

 assert person.name == 'mrhaki'
 assert person.likes == ['Groovy', 'Java']
 assert person.activated
 // use force attribute to force creation of constructor
 // even if we define our own constructors.
 import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

 class Person {
     String name
     List likes
     private boolean active = false

     Person(boolean active) {
         this.active = active

     boolean isActivated() { active }

 def person = new Person('mrhaki', ['Groovy', 'Java'])

 assert person.name == 'mrhaki'
 assert person.likes == ['Groovy', 'Java']
 assert !person.activated

 person = new Person(true)

 assert person.activated
 // include properties and fields from super class.
 import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

 class Person {
     String name
     List likes
     private boolean active = false

     boolean isActivated() { active }

 @TupleConstructor(callSuper=true, includeSuperProperties=true, includeSuperFields=true)
 class Student extends Person {
     List courses

 def student = new Student('mrhaki', ['Groovy', 'Java'], true, ['IT'])

 assert student.name == 'mrhaki'
 assert student.likes == ['Groovy', 'Java']
 assert student.activated
 assert student.courses == ['IT']


  • Groovy's normal map-style naming conventions will not be available if the first property (or field) has type LinkedHashMap or if there is a single Map, AbstractMap or HashMap property (or field)
Paul King

Element Summary

Optional Element Summary
Type Name and Description
boolean callSuper
Should super properties be called within a call to the parent constructor.
String[] excludes
List of field and/or property names to exclude from the constructor.
boolean force
By default, this annotation becomes a no-op if you provide your own constructor.
boolean includeFields
Include fields in the constructor.
boolean includeProperties
Include properties in the constructor.
boolean includeSuperFields
Include fields from super classes in the constructor.
boolean includeSuperProperties
Include properties from super classes in the constructor.
String[] includes
List of field and/or property names to include within the constructor.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Element Detail

public boolean callSuper

Should super properties be called within a call to the parent constructor. rather than set as properties @default false

public String[] excludes

List of field and/or property names to exclude from the constructor. Must not be used if 'includes' is used. For convenience, a String with comma separated names can be used in addition to an array (using Groovy's literal list notation) of String values. @default {}

public boolean force

By default, this annotation becomes a no-op if you provide your own constructor. By setting force=true then the tuple constructor(s) will be added regardless of whether existing constructors exist. It is up to you to avoid creating duplicate constructors. @default false

public boolean includeFields

Include fields in the constructor. @default false

public boolean includeProperties

Include properties in the constructor. @default true

public boolean includeSuperFields

Include fields from super classes in the constructor. @default false

public boolean includeSuperProperties

Include properties from super classes in the constructor. @default false

public String[] includes

List of field and/or property names to include within the constructor. Must not be used if 'excludes' is used. For convenience, a String with comma separated names can be used in addition to an array (using Groovy's literal list notation) of String values. @default {}

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