[Java] Interface GroovyPackageDoc

  • org.codehaus.groovy.groovydoc.GroovyDoc
All Superinterfaces:

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
GroovyClassDoc[] allClasses()
All included classes and interfaces in this package.
GroovyClassDoc[] allClasses(boolean filter)
All classes and interfaces in this package optionally limited to just the included ones.
String description()
Description of the package.
GroovyClassDoc[] enums()
Included enum types in this package.
GroovyClassDoc[] errors()
Included errors in this package.
GroovyClassDoc[] exceptions()
Included exceptions in this package.
GroovyClassDoc findClass(String className)
Find a class or interface within this package.
String getRelativeRootPath()
GroovyClassDoc[] interfaces()
Included interfaces in this package.
String nameWithDots()
GroovyClassDoc[] ordinaryClasses()
Included ordinary classes in this package.
String summary()
The one-sentence summary for the package derived from the beginning of the description.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
interface GroovyDoc commentText, firstSentenceCommentText, getRawCommentText, isAnnotationType, isAnnotationTypeElement, isClass, isConstructor, isDeprecated, isEnum, isEnumConstant, isError, isException, isField, isIncluded, isInterface, isMethod, isOrdinaryClass, name, setRawCommentText
interface Comparable compareTo

Method Detail

public GroovyClassDoc[] allClasses()

All included classes and interfaces in this package.

array of classes and interfaces found or empty array if none found

public GroovyClassDoc[] allClasses(boolean filter)

All classes and interfaces in this package optionally limited to just the included ones.

filter - Specifying true filters according to the specified access modifier option. Specifying false includes all classes and interfaces regardless of access modifier option.
array of classes and interfaces found or empty array if none found

public String description()

Description of the package.

the description

public GroovyClassDoc[] enums()

Included enum types in this package.

array of enum types found or empty array if none found

public GroovyClassDoc[] errors()

Included errors in this package.

array of errors found or empty array if none found

public GroovyClassDoc[] exceptions()

Included exceptions in this package.

array of exceptions found or empty array if none found

public GroovyClassDoc findClass(String className)

Find a class or interface within this package.

className - the name of the class to find
ClassDoc of found class or interface, or null if not found

public String getRelativeRootPath()

public GroovyClassDoc[] interfaces()

Included interfaces in this package.

array of interfaces found or empty array if none found

public String nameWithDots()

public GroovyClassDoc[] ordinaryClasses()

Included ordinary classes in this package.

array of ordinary classes (non-interface, non-enum, non-throwable classes) found or empty array if none found

public String summary()

The one-sentence summary for the package derived from the beginning of the description.

the summary

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