[Java] Class PropertyExpression

  • org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.PropertyExpression

Represents a property access such as the expression "foo.bar".

James Strachan

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
PropertyExpression (Expression objectExpression, String property)
PropertyExpression (Expression objectExpression, Expression property)
PropertyExpression (Expression objectExpression, Expression property, boolean safe)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
Expression getObjectExpression()
Expression getProperty()
String getPropertyAsString()
String getText()
boolean isDynamic()
boolean isImplicitThis()
boolean isSafe()
@return is this a safe navigation, i.e. if true then if the source object is null then this navigation will return null
boolean isSpreadSafe()
boolean isStatic()
void setImplicitThis(boolean it)
void setObjectExpression(Expression exp)
void setSpreadSafe(boolean value)
void setStatic(boolean aStatic)
String toString()
Expression transformExpression(ExpressionTransformer transformer)
void visit(GroovyCodeVisitor visitor)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Expression getType, setType, transformExpression, transformExpressions, transformExpressions
class AnnotatedNode addAnnotation, addAnnotations, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, getDeclaringClass, hasNoRealSourcePosition, isSynthetic, setDeclaringClass, setHasNoRealSourcePosition, setSynthetic
class ASTNode copyNodeMetaData, getColumnNumber, getLastColumnNumber, getLastLineNumber, getLineNumber, getNodeMetaData, getNodeMetaData, getText, putNodeMetaData, removeNodeMetaData, setColumnNumber, setLastColumnNumber, setLastLineNumber, setLineNumber, setNodeMetaData, setSourcePosition, visit
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public PropertyExpression(Expression objectExpression, String property)

public PropertyExpression(Expression objectExpression, Expression property)

public PropertyExpression(Expression objectExpression, Expression property, boolean safe)

Method Detail

public Expression getObjectExpression()

public Expression getProperty()

public String getPropertyAsString()

public String getText()

public boolean isDynamic()

public boolean isImplicitThis()

public boolean isSafe()

is this a safe navigation, i.e. if true then if the source object is null then this navigation will return null

public boolean isSpreadSafe()

public boolean isStatic()

public void setImplicitThis(boolean it)

public void setObjectExpression(Expression exp)

public void setSpreadSafe(boolean value)

public void setStatic(boolean aStatic)

public String toString()

public Expression transformExpression(ExpressionTransformer transformer)

public void visit(GroovyCodeVisitor visitor)

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